Secrets- Stony

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I am too obsessed. I need help. It took me about 24 hours to have Stony on my list of OTPs. Gah. Anyways. This has smut, fluff, and a bit of background angst in it. The beginning is based off the last memory in my Lams oneshot from earlier.
The elevator dinged and Steve stepped out into Tony's floor in Stark Tower. He technically had a floor of his own, but never slept there, choosing instead to be with his secret lover at night instead.

He set his shield down on the sofa and made his way to the bedroom. He slipped inside and smiled at the sight in there. Tony was curled up peacefully on his side of the bed, the arc reactor letting out a soft blue light.  Steve changed into a T-shirt and sweatpants and climbed onto the bed.

"Tony. Tony. Toooonyyyyy." He whispered, poking the man in the shoulder. Tony grunted and rolled over, blinking his eyes as he half woke up. "Wha-Steve! You're back!"

Tony grabbed Steve in a tight hug. "Oh thank god you're safe, that was such a dangerous mission to go on, why didn't you let me come with you?" He said, wide awake now. Steve stroked his back. "I wanted you to come but Nat and Clint kept asking why so I decided to leave you here for this one."

A huff was heard from Tony as he hugged Steve tighter. "Don't do it again." Steve smiled into his neck and whispered. "I won't."

They pulled back from the embrace and blue eyes met brown. Tony leaned forward and kissed his lover deeply, savoring the moment. "You've been gone too long." He muttered against Steve's lips.

"Let me make it up to you," Steve said as he pushed Tony back onto the pillows.

The next morning, Steve awoke to see Tony curled in his arms and smiled. He traced the arc reactor with his finger and sat up. Steve pushed the covers back and stood up. An arm wrapped around his waist and a muffled voice said, "No stay."

"We have a breakfast meeting today."

"Screw breakfast meetings. Now screw me."

Steve's shoulders shook with laughter as he searched for clothes to wear. "Steeeeeviiiieeeee" Tony whined. Steve walked over to the bed and kissed his lover lightly. Tony immediately pulled him closer but Steve broke away.

"Ahahah." He said, tapping Tony's nose. "Later after the meeting, I promise I'll make it up to you."

Tony sighed deeply but got up anyways. "You better." He muttered as he pulled on a shirt.

They left the room and started down the hallway towards the elevator. They entered it and felt it move floors. "I'll enter first, you wait a few minutes and then come in." Steve said. Tony nodded and the bell dinged.

Steve walked down the hall and into the meeting room, taking his seat. Tony entered a few moments later, sitting down across from Steve. "Hey Capsicle, I thought you would be gone a few more days on your mission." Tony said, to keep up appearances. Steve rolled his eyes and grabbed on of the muffins from the platter on the table.

About 30 minutes into their meeting, Steve's phone buzzed. He looked down at it.

Hey I'm bored-Tony

He glanced across the table at the man who looked like he was about to fall asleep. His phone buzzed again.

So how will you make it up to me later ;) -Tony

Not during a meeting -Steve

But I'm bored and horny

And you can wait until later

No I can't......sir

...shit I hate you

Haha now you're horny too

Shut up

Make me

Oh I will. Later.

How? Details please.

Fine you want details? I'll give you details.

Thank you sir

Steve looked across to Tony, who winked.

First I'm going to tie you to the headboard. Then you're going to take my cock in your mouth like the little cockslut you are.

Mmmm I can't wait sir

Then I'm going to blindfold and headphone you and claim you in a trail across your body. After that, I'll fuck you so hard into the mattress that you won't be able to walk tomorrow

God that sounds good

Oh it will be

He saw Tony grin at his phone out of the corner of his eye and smiled too.

"Excuse me Mr. Rogers, Mr. Stark. What is so important between you two that you are texting during the meeting?" Fury asked. Steve's eyes widened.

"Um nothing!" He said, turning slight pink. "Well in that case, I'll just pull up your messages on the screen here and we'll all see what unimportant thing was more important than this." Fury said and turned to the computer.

"No! Don't do that!" Tony and Steve panicked. "Really that's totally unnecessary and really you can forget it we'll pay attention now!"

"Hmmph. Too late. Here they are." Fury said and they both froze. He clicked something on the screen and their messages were projected for the whole group to read.

Steve invented a new shade of red with his blush and Tony most likely gave himself a concussion from banging his head on the table and muttering, "I'm an idiot. A complete and total idiot."

"Oh. My. God." Natasha said. "How long have you two been secretly dating? And also, I never would have guessed that Steve was the top." Clint exclaimed. Bruce turned almost the same color at Steve and didnt look at either of them. Thor just laughed at how hilarious the situation was.

"Ummm I'm just going to go now.....I don't care that meeting isn't over, I'm just going to go." Tony stood up and ran out of the room. "Yea ditto." Steve said and followed Tony.

They stood out in the hallway staring at each other. "Well that was embarrassing." Steve said and Tony nodded. "I think I need a drink." He said weakly. "At least we don't have to hide anymore. No more secrets."

Aaaaaaaaand roll credits cause I'm getting tired so I'm gonna go look at pictures of Finn Wolfhard and various ship fanarts til I fall asleep on my phone.

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