I knew her and I've been with her many times too though so she's comfortable around me. Though, Sohyun and I were closer since we're at the same age. And yes, I like her but I don't have the guts to make a move since she's out of my league.

"Okay... I'll stay with her then." I said to Shin Hye noona not taking my eyes off Nabi.

"I'll be going now then, have a nice day!" She replied then made her way outside.

I started walking towards Nabi.

She doesn't know that I'm here nor hear my footsteps. So when I stopped infront of her, her little headbanging stopped then I saw her slowly lift her head up to look at me.

Her surprised expression made me smile as she removed her earphones then exclaimed, "Jungkook oppa!" But hearing her calling me oppa made my wide smile turned cringe a little.

"Hello" I said.

"Did you came for me?!" She asked, her surprised expression is still evident on her face.

"Ah...yes..uhm, I came to see Sohyun, it's her birthday tomorrow so I would like to take her out for a treat." I said. Again, I felt my cheeks redden as I imagined what gift I should buy for her.

"Ah... then, uhm, rather than taking her out, since she's not here, then why not the two of us get out and look for something she will like?" Nabi said but the surprised expression was nowhere to be seen on her pretty face. She took her phone and put it inside her pocket.

Oh! That's a good idea. Now, I thought of wanting to surprise Sohyun.

"Sounds good." I said.

"Okay, then uhm, I'll just get my bag then let's go." She said then ran upstairs not waiing for my reply. Though, I managed to tell her to be careful because she went upstairs running but I only received a laugh as a response. Great.


"It looks good, does it?" She said that line from the nth time.

We've been looking around for almost 2 hours and we almost entered every boutique we could see but that's what she kept on saying.

It's like she's even looking something for herself and not for Sohyun so it started to make me a little annoyed.

What's worse is that, we're haven't bought anything yet for the whole 2 hours!

Right now, we're inside a bear store. She's scanning every stufftoy bears inside with amusement evident in her eyes.

"Will she like it?" I said getting her attention.

Nabi's wide smile turned into small one. It's like I made her realize that we just came out to look for a present for Sohyun; And I felt like a jerk at that moment.

"Ah...You look like you like it so uhm, do you think she'll like it too?" I said but I felt like making it worse.

Because I noticed a glimpse of tear in her eyes...but what broke me is that she smiled and blink back.

Then replied, "maybe..."

She turned to me then smiled wider like how she smiled awhile ago.

"You know, maybe we should go get something to eat." She said then walked first leaving me behind.

I quickly followed her then looked back at the store we just went from. Particularly, at the gray stuff toy bear she's been holding a while ago.


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