QUESTIONS - and answers

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Hello fammie fammies!

I proudly present to you, your beautiful questions and my ugly answers to them.

Enjoy this crap! Haha?!

Oh and bear with me, I am such a lazy authornim so I just took a snapshot and BOOM! there are answers to your questions! Haha?!

Oh and bear with me, I am such a lazy authornim so I just took a snapshot and BOOM! there are answers to your questions! Haha?!

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@Taetaemma : "What made you want to write this book? Will you write more Taehyung fanfics in the future?

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@Taetaemma : "What made you want to write this book? Will you write more Taehyung fanfics in the future?

Do you guys know "It's okay, that's love" drama? You should watch it! After I've watched that and read a J.J.K fanfic book(i forgot the name of the book) where he has mental illness, I was so excited to write this plot.
Hmm... will I write more Taehyung fanfics? HECK YEAH! (If my readers want me to :)

@Riel088 : "You are so cute^^ where are you from? *_* what is your favourite book? Should I ask how old you are? 😁 Anyway, I want to ask more, but I think it would be weird.

Haha, I have no money to pay your compliment haha!? But anyway, I am fom Philippines, born and raised here. But like 1/8 of my life I lived in Japan so,,, yeah!
My favourite book? In wattpad, I must say it is "Storm and Silence" by Robthier cuz RIKKARD AMBROSE IS SO BAE! HAHA?! Is anyone reading that, too? And I like Roald Dahl books too.
I am 19 years old, young as crap haha?!
Please ask more if you'd like :)

@potaeto_boi : "what is your inspiration to make this book?"

My inspiration was definitely Taehyung and Taehyung's alienness. Taehyung was always the alien and he always makes BTS happy. So i thought, 'why not make it the other way around?' Like maybe they should build him up? Like that, was it confusing? Haha!?

Xenon_D : "How did u get the idea of displaying his friends as his emotions? Its really cool btw

Okay, first of all, credits to "It's okay, that's love" drama. I got my ideas there, with all the mental illness thingies, but the idea of his friends displaying his emotions... "Kill me, heal me" and "Hyde, Jekyll, me" dramas! As you can see, I love kdramas and I won't stop watching them! Haha?! If you like this book, definitely watch these three dramas they're amazing! Tell me your thoughts after you watch them!

Im sure you'll love these dramas!

@Bts_WIFEHERE : "Will you marry me?"

Are you a girl or a boy? Haha just kidding. Of course I will marry you! Just give me a million dollars haha just kidding?!

@Princessaurora2004 : "Where do you get ur ideas for this book? How do u overcome writer's block, if u ever get it? More personally, would u mind sending a pic of urself? I'm sure ur rly pretty."

As I have wrote, "It's okay, that's love", "Hyde, Jekyll, me" and "Kill me, heal me" kdramas were my inspirations :)
Okay, having a writer's block is normal. All writers get it. If you're curious as to why, it is because of overdoing the book or thinking too much. It can also be lack of inspiration. And when you're too bored to do it and no new ideas are coming out of your head. So if that happens to me, I do these: It depends on my mood. If i get writer's block, I (one) re-read my book from the very first chapter. (Two) read other inspiring books such as comedy books here in wattpad and (three) take a break and watch korean dramas! You can try that :)

Hmm... a picture of myself? Of course, I want you guys to know me more and be close to you guys so... without further ado, here is your author. Please excuse the ugly portrait, I haven't prepared myself UGH! I really would like to put something funny ro add comedy, but I'm running out of ideas so I'll just smile and send ugh! Sorry guys.

 Please excuse the ugly portrait, I haven't prepared myself UGH! I really would like to put something funny ro add comedy, but I'm running out of ideas so I'll just smile and send ugh! Sorry guys

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@cypherthefifth : "is ashton someone's(yoongi) sister? Mamamatay ba si Ashton?"

No, Ashton is not anyone's sister. Especially Yoongi's haha?!
Lemme translate the other part "Will ashton die?" Well... that's a secret 😉

@KIMTAEHYUNG_10X95 : "Did u see my bag?"

Found your bag, honey!

Okay! So there are your questions and answers!

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Okay! So there are your questions and answers!

This time, let me ask you and answer them^-^

What is/are your favourite kpop boy bands?

Who's your ultimate bias?

Bias wrecker?

Have you been to any kpop concerts?

What kind of ending do you want in this book? (Ex: Romantic, Funny, Dramatic or... your worst nightmare?!)

I'll be waiting for your answers soon! Love you guys!

Dab out


4 Dimensional Him [a Kim Taehyung Fanfic]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora