chapter 15:

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I couldn't help it anymore. I bundled my little girl up in her blankets holding her tightly in my arms I got changed into the clothes I came in putting some spair In a bag putting it over my shoulder and holding onto my baby tightly as she gurgled in her sleep grabbing onto my top as if I was the only one in her world. The only one to have wanted her safe was me by the seams of it and I couldn't care to see her hurt nor one bit if she was I would never forgive myself not one bit, I would never have let master lunch make me do things like that if I had knew the price to my children to come. I walked out of the door looking to see if anyone was coming and they wasn't so I carried one going till I got to the bottom of the steps and  hurt master lunic so I hid behind them bobbing my baby girl up and down so she doesn't wake up and make lunch hear us. When he dose walk away I sigh in relief holding my baby girl tightly to my chest stroking her head then walking again just to bump into master lunic. He looks at me then down at my bag and rases a brow at me. "You get a head start" he taunts me.

I knew he could catch me but I ran anyways taking a chance I knew would fail. I ran as fast as I could wile holding onto her, my child, my babay girl, my resin for living now and the only one I will ever have to care for. She is my child and my risponceability and only mine.
As I ran I started to hear foot steps behind me and see master lunic following me running at his full power quickly catching up to me.
I tried to go faster then what I was already going but no matter what I tried I was still to slow.
Lunic zoomed in in front of me  staring down at me with his arms crossed over his chest and a rased brow. I should have known he would have catches up with me and I should have known I could never be strong anough to protect my own child from a beast such as my own maser and more. "What are you doing my love" he asks me grabbing my chin making me look up to him as I clung onto my baby girl in my arms.

"I am not your love lunic" I hiss at him clinging into my child as is she was my life sorce and the only thing.

The face he gave me when I said his name and not what he told me to call him, that face was the one you would see before you die from there cold dead hands, before you lose your life, before they make you therr food but he seamed to have another idea in his mind for me and my child.

He had that look in his eyes were you couled just tell that he was but I was scared to find out what.

"Tell you what sweet Hart for that the child is mine find your way home almost dead" he smirks bitting my neck really hard and taking my child out if my hands before I can say anything as I it's no problem for him what so ever to do and I wouldn't be supreme it was because that's what monsters do they kill and hurt the people they see with hope that crush that hope into dust and kill it there and then to stop any chance of ever being happy but in this world it's impossible anyways with the monsters that lurk around us.
I fell to the floor on my neas putting my hand out trying to reach for my child but he takes her away from me quickly leaving me there to rote and make my way on my own as if I was just a trinket with a low price on it that he couled bye over and over again but that what I was in this world now a trinket for those who take, kill and create pain for those who try to survive the harshness of the monsters surrounding them in every direction.
No I won't let my daughter great taken and if she dose I won't stop till my dieing break to get her back in my life. I won't let her have her hope take before she had any like me I won't let it she needs a chance to have a good lie with good people not monsters. They wasn't aware masters they was aware distroyers. They would destroy us with a simple snap of there fingers. My hair draped over my face covering my eyes up as I stared at the floor tears falling down my cheek.

my smoth soft skin was now bumpy and brused stained with the suffering tears as my brown and blond curly hair was all tangled and matted with the blood from my neck.

I slowly stud up and lied back to lunics home falling now and then but then slowly getting g back up by the time u had got there my child was in another women's arms.
Thise vampiers they was taking my child.

"N-no" I whisper out in pain from the lack of blood and they look over to me.

"Aaa the mother is finaly here to say good bye to bad I would have let her keep her for a wile but now say good bye mckayla" master tells me and I burst into tears. No no no NO they can't take my child she is only a baby no she needs her mother she needs me, no I need her. I limp over to them just to get pulled away from my child as more teas steam down my cheeks hitting the floor. Master lunic takes me into his arms going "shhh it will be okay" but it will never be okay now he has sold my child and what dose he have in return more money to make him rich to gt more things to slowly let my body decay and rot n that dungeon of his just because I wanted to keep my child safe from harms way but I made more come to her now what kind of mother am I.
Master lunic gave me one more quick moment with her though just to hold her one last time then slowly kill me after but holding her in my arms it was like they was gone that was intill they took her again, they took her again from me that Hart felt feeling breaking in me all over again and I let out a scream of pain and failiar to my daughter like that was the only good perpeous I had was for her and now it's share red into a million peaces like glass falling to the floor. When that had gone and was out of that door I was fully broke and the shadows had took me over from then on out I was nothing more then a peace of broken glass wanting to be put back together again but would always have peaces missing so I would never be full ever again.

"Now my sweet since you disobeyed me it's time for your punishment" he smirks at me dragging me down the wooden stairs and pushed me to the floor of that room.

I didn't care now I couled rote down hear for all I cared now my life went with that child and it will never be back again.
Master lunic look down at me with that wicked and deadly look as always he was going to torture me and try to brake me more but you can't brake what is already broken into a million peaces and more.
For most of the night that was were I was taking beatings from maser lunic as his slaves was rolled up as he wiped, hit, shocked, cut, burnt and tried to break me more but it didn't work I just stud there with my eyes closed nothing left in me giving him no satisfaction from it.

Fifteen years later

I'm now 33 and my daughter is still gone I have tried to leave to find her but I can't. I just can't I'm to weak to leave master is the only one keeping me alive now thanks to the many children he made me have and the worst thing is to happen today I am to marrie him as his own now by law never to be anyone else's and even Rosalen and maeshal can't stop it but master gave me the one good thing in this house I fell in love with them both but master is still obsest with me and oak. Oak still loves him even with his toxic side but I don't now I thought he was good but he broke me down into more and more bits shattered forever so I spend most my time in my room and the basement as well as being forced to have children for him and oak since nether I them can have it with each other I am now a toy and a broken one at that

Rays pov:

"Ray get here my dear" my mistress calls me and I do oba her and come to her side.

"Yes ma'am what may I do for you today mistress" I ask her kindly with my sweet voice wile looking at the floor.

"Get me some tea and don't make it bitter my sweet" she tells me waving her hand to bid me to my work and I nod at her doing as she says.
I grab the rotary and pour her some hot tea putting two sugars in it for her just the way she likes it and stud by her side for the next order.

"My dear go get ready pack your bag your big day is tomorrow" she tells tells me and I nod.




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