chapter 7:

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It had now been two months since that night with oak and master. Oak hadn't spoke about it to me and nether had I to him. I hadn't sleeped in his room since then ether and master would now bring us both into his room and drink from us now. Was this what he wanted to lose the only friend I had in this house. I had also later on found out that the red haired girl was his sister rosealen. And she really was fifteen. As for her brother my maser he was younger then expected he was only twenty-one and I was seventeen meaning he was only four years older then me. "Mckayla did you do all your chorse" master lunic askes me with his hand behind his back.
I nod at him with a smile on my face brushing down all the dust off of my slave skirt.

"Good you can show mira around the house oak is showing another boy around. So you two will meet up at the entrance in five minets" he tells me with his wicked smiles he always had on his lips. I nosed at him and he walked off once again to do what ever he dose. Once the five minets had gone I walked down the stairs to the entrance seeing oak with a black haired pail small girl and a boy that looked nineteen his hair was messy and he seamed to keep trying to get my attention by bitting his lip and brushing his hair back with his hand. It was working slightly. Oak looked like he was jeouls a bit of him. But I was more focused one who master lunic needed male slaves for males were soposed to go to werewolves and vampires wasn't aloud to like there own sex at least not if they had a high ranking witch I belive lunic did. Me and oak showed the girl mira around and the boy we had found out was called luga. I think it was a french name but I honestly don't know. But once we was done I showed mira to her room and oak showed luga to his. Once I was sure mira was away from the door I ran down to oaks room and knocked on the door. Oak opened it a slight bit and pered thro the gap looking at me with one eye.
"Oak pleas let me in" I plead to him trying to push the door open so I could see him.

Oak sighed and shut the door. I looked down and was about to walk off when I hurd oak.
"Come on then come on sleepy head" he smiles at me.
I grin happily and run into his room hugging him tight. I hadn't got any sleep since the night with him and master due to I hate sleeping alone and won't sleep alone so I was happy he finally opened back up to me I really needed it and didn't want him to let go again. I curl up into the bed right up next to oak. If master came in and asked I didn't care what would happen i needed to get some sleep and this was the only way I would so if master saw us I would take the blame for oak and me. lying on his chest was so comfterbul it made me go strait to sleep with his warm arms wrapped around my waist comfortablely and placing his one leg a bit on mine. When I woke up oak was stearing at me. My cheeks began to heat up and I started to blush. I really liked oak he was a sweet boy and I felt sorry for what he delt with the other day. That girl was rude to even lay a hand on him like she did it want right of her to do that for him just helping her. How could someone hurt someone like him. The door opens and the new male slave walk is in with the new girl one. Uggh what do they want I liked being with just oak. I pushed my body off the bed and jumping out oak did the same and we both walked out the door and to aware dayle jobs. mira followed me and luga followed oak thy both didn't have jobs yet since master had been bussy this week and had told us to get strait to work when we got up. It didn't matter about food we ate very little now since master lunic didn't feed us much anyways well not very good food unless we was really good. And by good I mean master lunics own fun and games in bed not working hard and earning it but seducing himself into giving us food. Master lunic was kind of mad but he was truly charming as well as far as we really know about him and he's very protective over his slaves.

"Mckayla can I ask you something" mira askes me. I nod my head wile clearing the shelves and cleaning every small auniment on it getting rid of the dust or any dirty marks.
"Why are you here your a mckenzi right" she asks me.
I freeze up at her question then start cleaning again and making everything dust free and neat. That question did bug me tho. What did she mean by that question what did being a mckenzi have to do with why I was here and how did she even know I was one. She asks me again as I was cleaning the same room that always had multiple books scatters across the room. I picked up the one book seeing it was the book rosealen had took from the library the day she slapped oak. That day is in my mind every day and a lot of things reminded me of it even the smallest things could. Mira asked me over and over and over till I finally answered her questions.

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