chapter 14:

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It has been fore days now since my baby girl was born we had named her skylar because of her sky-fall blue eyes it just seamed to somewhat suit her to a nice point. Master had kept rosealen with skylar as I was still tiedeing up the house with oak glancing at him now and then as he came in and out of some of the rooms.
Me and him had gone back to aware formal ways like when we first met him now calling me ma'am and me calling him his name since sir and Mr was to formal but I called him his full name which was oakland.
I sighed looking away from him then going back to dusting the shelves down till they was spotless not one spot of dust left on them. After that I went down stairs to set the table for master he had told me someone important was coming around to talk to him and for some resin me but I didn't know why so I just did as I was told not like I would disobey my master anyways he would punish me if I did and that really hurt last time he did that to me a lot more then any pain I had felt before.

After I had done Master walked into the room forsing me down into the chair then handing me a sharp silver knife. I signed looking over to him and cut over my wrist were I did it last time but this time he put my hand over a glass sqeezing the blood out and doing the same to a second then wraps my wrist up in a bandage and letting me put it onto my lap.
"You wait here they should be here soon" he tells me as he stands up behind me giving my neck one kiss over my bite mark.

We waited for a few mines till there was a knock at the door.
I opened the door quickly and smiled at the person at the door but it then slowly fades as I see two vampires a male and a female as well as my...
My mother. I look down at the floor not dearing  to look at her for what she did to me still giving me away to master lunic when she did.
Master lung tuck my hand in his and sat me on his lap wile he's talking to the others. The hole time I kept my eyes off of my mom making sure never to look her in the eye at any point the people I was more cureous about was why was they here.
Master lunic cleares his throat and they all look at him waiting for him to speak. He took a small bite from my wrist making my mom cringe visabley at the sight but I didn't mind after I got used to the usual pain. "Now I have brought you hear for one important thing" he tells them then looks at me then back at the vampires.

"As you know personal slaves can't have others children unless it's there masters and if they do without permission they are given away" when those words leave his moth I tense up knowing what he is now going to do and what theas people are doing here. He was going to do the same thing my mom did to me give my child away to them.
To other monsters that would drain her blood but why is there a female here I thought that wasn't aloud among vampires. Was he crazy how could he. I wriggled around in his grip as he held onto my waits as tight as he could making sure I didn't get away from him and grabbed my side making me yelp at him. He put his lips by my right ear and whispers the nick name vixen he had given me when he made me......
Sleep with oak and him.
All I could do was sit there and listen to him as he talked about giving my daughter away to the as people then he sent me away after slitting my other wrist and giving him and the other two vampires a re-fill in blood then pats my back letting me go and I walk off to see my child.

"So how did it go" oak asks me wile standing by sky's baby cote wile holding onto her gently cradling her small head in his arms as if he would break her but she wasn't the one broken right now it was me.
I had just got a child and now I would lose her how could I let that happen I can't. I can't let that happen not to her, not to my child.

Later on in the day when I did walk down again I could hear they was still talking so I stopped and watched them as the words flowed out of there moths.

"So we have a deal" he asked them and I see both the other two vampires nod as lunic hands my mom some paper work. My mom quickly fills out the papers that she is given then pushes them away from her and giving them back to master lunic then despising then all and letting them go walking out of the house. I walk back up to the romantic to see oak is gone and my daughter wrapped up in her pink blanket and small baby wonzey. I quickly pick her up and rock her from side go side in my arms as she grabs the air with her small denty hands. She gives a small gurgle to me and I make a shhhhh sound to her bobbing he up and down in my arms till she goes quiet sleeping her small head off in my arms as I held onto her gently but tight anough so she can't get taken away from me.

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