chapter 8:

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I woke up back in my room my head and so much more of my body in so much pain that it was hard to explain how much I truly felt.
It was truly agony.
All I could feel was pain causing through my body hitting me in every spot it possibly could. I rolled over onto my side only to feel a jolt of pain run through my hole body making me scream out loud wriggling around trying to make it go but just creating more. I lay still whimpering at the pain that's flowing thro every small fiber of my body at the moment.
Ugggh I groaned sitting up.
The pain caused through my head making it throb. I squeezed my eyes shut tight as I rubbed my head. I slowly lifted the blanket off of me looking down at my chest and stumic, I gasped in shock seeing all the deep cuts from the wip, the burns from his blood. All my skin was plasterd in purple, blue, yellow, pink, red and brown marks showing how much pain he caused me. I wanted to move to go see oak but I was in way to much pain to even walk. I looked around the room for anything that would be out to help me but nothing was a tear shed from my left eye.

"Why was this happening to me" I quietly whisper to myself slowly tucking my neas up and bringing my head into them. I could hear the door Creek slightly and open then close once again. The small thuds of foot steps coming up to me. Two warm arms wrapped around my waist pulling me into there lap. I didn't want to move my head. I didn't want to say anything. All I wanted to do was still there and let the pain go away nothing else. Small whispers of the persons voice was hurd in my ear calming me to the pont I felt as if I could feel nothing. My head was stiff but I slowly moved it to look up to the person holding me. It was oak. I was so happy he was hear now I hoped for the hole time master luni was tourchering me that he would come and save me like he didn't know this would happen to me. At least I hoped he didn't know what he did to me. It was sick how he could do that to someone and smirk at there pain so easily that it was almost natural for them to see it happen so often in there life. The way his eyes looked at me wile he had me tied to the wall. He looked at me as if I was nothing. As if I was a child that needed to be disaplined into the right way of learning what happens in this house and how it happens in this house. I was truly now scared and hoped that maser lunic wouldn't come in to see me and make me work today. I truly couldn't even if I tried to but unfortunately for me he did and I hade to get up making the pain cause through me faster and faster by the minet the more I stud up the more my Jean would throb and make me feel dizzy but I didn't want to make maser mad again I don't want to be punished like that again.

"Now mckayla you won't get into a fight again right" master lunic asked me with his hands tucked behind his back.
I nod at him holding onto the wall to keep my balence. I can't believe he's making me work after what he did to me is he crazy if he dose this to me so much I'm going to die.

"Good now get started you have a lot of work to do" he tells me walking off down the stairs.
I sigh pushing myself off the wall. Oak had to leave me because master lunic had told him to but I did have to get changed. I walked over to the wardrobe wobbling from side to side because of the dizzyness I felt overcoming me by the minet. I opened the wardrobe seeing everything dancing around me going up and down wile every little thing is blured into Colour only. I closed my eyes holding onto the wardrobe and opened them again. Everything had stope spinning I grabbed my slaves outfit and got dressed into it brushing the skirt down then walking off to do my choirs. I looked around seeing less girls then there was when I arrived at this dredded place he calls a home. I felt as if I was in hell and I may as well been from last night. Since there was less people I had more to do I had to clean another floor make the masters bed make sure the others are cooking tea and for some reson give mira the key to master lunics room. I shrugged not sure why he would want that buy I did as I was told first starting with the rooms and making master lunics bed for the day. Like always rosealens room was covered either books tope to bottom I honestly had no clue how she read so many in so little time but all well I was just a slave and made to do as I was told by my master so I had to follow or I would get punished like last night.

"Tell me mckayla was the punishment as bad as it lookes" a girls voice asked me from behind.

I turn around to see the girl who daughter with me yesterday behind me. I turned back around again picking all the books up and pitting them onto rosealens shelves and then the once from the libary I keepped in my arms go give to oak. The girl behind me grunted and pushed me face first into the floor making me role over feeling all the pain from last night rush back through my body. She waited for me to get up and fight her but I never did I collected up the books and walked past her. I'm not letting jersey get her way again I'm not getting hurt like last night she can do what ever she wants to get punished but im not. I walk go the libary placing the books onto a trolly and taking them over to oak who smiles at me climbing down his lader giving me a gentle hug then letting go to grab the books from the trolle. I exsolaned to him that the girl from yesterday tried to fight me and he just sighed. I can't blame him what's to say she's a stuborn girl who want attention from her master iv heard of slaves like that who become the main slave of the house they called it a vampires personal slave meaning the slaves master would class her as his wife kind of. Only he would drink from her inlay he would see her only he would talk to her and he would pergnate her to have children of shearing vampire and human blood even tho it was mostly known as a taboo so the vampire would turn there slave into a vampire as well so they could live for as long as they liked them to and they couldn't have another toll that one died. I found it strange but oak didn't he had told me she's been here for years and how she used to be the masters favourite girl slave before I came. But I oveously wasn't his favourite you don't hurt someone you like right? I questioned myself with that question wile I was tidying up.

One question can lead to alot more then one answer. So why did I have non. Something everyone would think at one time but never get the answer till there death bed is at there door and they relise what they've done. But vampires don't have deaths unless there murderd.

"So you have more chorse now" oak askes me.
I nod at him.
Yes indeed I did just because maser lunic had gotten rid of some of his slaves from the seams of it but why this place was huge.

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