chapter 11:

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Master lung had left so now I was left with this marshal Lee person. He was floating around on his back wile looking at me as if I was some strange thing to him. Why was he even here and not in his own home. He was floating around on his back wile looming at me with his head tilted back looking at me. His black hair tiped back over his head as his black and red eyes steared at me wile his Red checkered button up top was undone and you could see his white one underneath as well as his blue jeans. "So your lunics little slave huh what are you doing here" he asked me and I shrug in reply.

What was with this vampire he wasn't as formal as the others he didn't dress like the others and he didn't sound like the others who was he and why is he up in the attic I gess this is why master lunch didn't want me in here in the first place because of him. He slowly picked up an acustic guitar and started to play a song wile floating around quietly singing to me as I dusted off the skirt of my dress. "Good little girl" he sang sweetly looking at me as if trying to tell me something.

I wrapped my arms behind me and steared at him. Was he trying go say I was a good girl and nothing more then that. Uggh I'm sick of people saying I'm a goodie two shoes. He keeps floating around and twists his guitar onto his back and floats over to me pulling me onto his feet and floating around with me on his lap I look at him and blush slightly because he put me on his lap with both my legs on ether sie of him. Marshel Lee smirks and floats up higher when he sees me try to get off of his lap. He chuckles when he sees I blush more and grabs me pulling me down onto his chest then landing onto his bed not letting me move off his lap by holding onto my waist and looking into my eyes. Something about him keeped me in place and it wasn't him holding onto my waist it was just something in his eyes that told me to. "Why did you bite me last night" I ask him.

Marshel Lee looks at me confused then smirks at me shaking his head from side to side. "I didn't drink your blood I don't drink blood I hate it" he tells me leaning back onto his beds head board and black pillows.
"You don't drink blood?" I ask him tilting my head.

Marshel Lee shakes his head at me and smiles moving his head to my neck and giving the bite marks light kisses. My eyes widen at him as he sqweezez my sides slightly tighter. My head head tilted back a bit and I bite down on my lower lip stopping me from making any noice at all but he starts to Auckland on it harder and slide his hands into my skirt and un-tuck my shirt from in it and sqweezes tighter again. He moves away after a wile and smirks at me with no emotion on his face at all as mine was a strawberry red from ear to ear covered in blush.
"Heh so your wondering why I don't drink blood huh? Well I drink and eat everything that's a national red so strawberries, jam, wine anything like that really" he smiles holding me close to him as he undid on of the suspenders on my black nea high skirt.

"So you didn't bite me" I ask him.
Marshal Lee nodded in response. Wait if he didn't bite me then who did. Was it actually master lunic he said he didn't though why would he lie to me. Why would he even have someone like marshal Lee in his house what was the big deal with this guy and why was it so easy to be comfortable and cozzy with him. I honestly liked being in his arms. In his precence it just felt as if it was right to be with him but why I hadn't known him before and I hadn't seen him before. I ended up lie in down on his chest as if I had known him for me any years as if he was the only one I could be safe with or around. I looked up to him to seeing he was smiling. He slowly moved his hand around on my side making small cuircles with his thumb on it making me relaxe even more into his chest and let a small sigh and hug him gently. Marshal Lee smiled even more and pecked my head lightly. "Your so relaxex" he whispers in my ear gently and I nod.

Heh who knew I could feel so close to someone I only just met in a small amount of time. Maybe I could be friends with him after all.
"Hay marshal why are you up here" I ask him sitting up slightly and put my hand on to his chest without even knowing my own movements.
"Well I live up here its my room" he replies to me sitting up.

Before I knew what he was going go do he grabbed my head and pushed his lips onto mine forcing his tounge into my moth and exploring it as he tugged on my hair with the one and lifted up my shirt with the other. I let out a small moan as he kissed me. Hiss kisses slowly got rougher and rougher. For some reson I let him do it to me and I did it all back to him to. The feeling was amazing and he was nothing like master lunic he was much better much more loving. I pulled off his Red checkered T-shirt as he undid my wight button up shirt as well as undoing my other suspender. I moaned out more as he conected his moth to my back and suckered on it again flipping us both over so I was under him and he was on top of me

This was so good

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