chapter 5:

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"You know slaves aren't soposed to read anything but books about there masters" maser Stephan tells me curesing my cheek slowly.

"But I won't tell your master about it little laidy" he smiles. Master Stephan moved his hand to my neck tracing his hand over the red mark of my masters bite on me. As he touched the cersev bite mark it began to sting and heat up. Master Stephan sudanly disappeared and I felt a draft on my back. I blinked twice and once I opens them again I was in a guest room with books and a king sized bed with silk red certans. I turned my head to see mostly my brown curled hair in my face but also the face of master Stephan he was close to me and it felt so sothing. He moved my hair from my side to the back of me and started to place his cold preshous soft lips onto my shoulder kissing upwards to my colar bone then up to my neck. I felt him slowly unzip the back of my dress and slip his hands onto the fragile skin that was my waist. When I blinked again the black dress was fully off me and master Stephan was on top of me his eyes had even turned to a red with brown around the middle of the iris. I sudanly noticed what he was doing he was going to compel me. His eyes widend as he was about to speak. But before he could my master flung open the doors to his room and pinned him to the wall with brout force. Master Stephan smirked as my master strangled him he seamed to be taking pleasure into what was my masters anger.

"Don't you ever lay a hand on my slave like that again Stephan she is not yource to touch" my master yelled at him flickering his eyes from left to right to look at both of master stephans. Master Stephan laughed it off as if it was a simple ridal he new of by Hart and was waiting for the right time to snap my masters head off of his neck at any moment he thought was right. I watched my master and stephan small fight as I was frozen in place watching them. They didn't really seam the need to fight only to say hrashful words maybe they new who was stronger out of the two of them and thought best not to get themselves killed that was till stephan pushed my master back speeding behind him biting on his neck. He snaped his arm backwards once then left the room speeding off once again. I didn't want to move due to the sircunstance that I had no clothes on and I didn't want master to see me like that even if he told me to do a one thing like that I wouldn't just let him unfortunately for me my maser pulled away the blanket making my bear body show to him. He liked his lips and picked me up. He speeded me up to his room and lay me onto his bed. He quickly locked the door and came over to me sitting beside me on the bed and held onto my wrist. I tryed to move but couldn't due to his strength was stronger then mine.

"Why was you in his room Mckayla" master lunic asked me holding onto my wrist even tighter.

"Master lunic pleas I'm sorry I couldn't resist I wanted to but couldn't" I tell him wriggling around in his strong grip. Master lunic scowls at me unhappily as his eyes darken to anger that I didn't think was even possible for him to feel. Master lunic looked onto my neck and traced over it he staired at one spot like something was wrong with me.
Did maser stephan leave something on my skin did he bite me without me noticing he did. I looked at maser and tried to move his grip but it tightened even more and he brought his moth to my neck. Oh Lord not again plead no master I don't want to be drank from again. I wanted to open my moth to tell him stop but I couldn't.
I literaly and couldn't talk my lips was moving but nothing g was coming out of it what did he do. Did master lunic have tellicanisis.

Master final pulled away from me when I felt my body go numb and my eyes start to fall shut. I let out a deep breath and a relieved sound fall out of my lips. Finaly I could move them and sound would come out of them again. "M-master lunic p-pleas f-f-forgive me" I stutter out from the loss of blood coming out of my body.

I could somehow handle the loss of blood more then I thought and even master lunic looked shoked when I did that he came back over to me and with a blink of an eye I was back in my slaves room in oaks arms dressed in a Wight night top and a purple pair of bottoms. I was confused as to why oak was in my room did he sneak in to see if I was okay. I don't want him getting in trouble with the master again for caring for me and looking after me. but I have to admit he is the only family I have left now and the only family I will ever have in this crap hole. Oak stroked my hair gently making me curl up to him more and slowly fall asleep. I was sudanly woke up to the noice of screaming what was going on who was that. Oak woke up to the sound as well and told me to go back to sleep or try to at least. I moved down oaks body more so my head was lower on his chest. I felt something fluffy go over my ears as the noices stoped. On my ears was a pair of black ear muffs stopping the sound from coming through as my eyes fell heavy I couldn't help but wonder what was or who was making those horrible noices. When my eye fully shut all I could hear was the ringing of my own ear drums till I passed out into my slumber.

When I woke up oak was gone a small note was on the side of my bed on a plate with some food along with a drink.

Mckayla the food and water is for the amount of blood you lost to master when you wake up and see this I will be doing my normal chorce around the house and yource. Maser has said you can go chuse a few books from the library and to come and find me when you need some food

~ oak

I placed the note back down and looked at the small meal. I must have been asleep for a wile so oak brought it to my room for me to eat. It wasn't that much all it was. Was a salami sandwich and a small cup of water. I wasn't that much hungry so I only drank the cup of water leaving the sandwich for later in the day. I walked out of my room and down the hall. My hand brushed itself against the polished wooden railing. When my hand came to the end of the railing it fell gracefully down to my side. I twisted the door nobe to the library and swing the door open. All the book shelves were now clean and dust free the books was resorted and alphabetical order of wrighter and watch section was a different tipe of genre. Fantasy, sifi, fiction, non-fiction you name it they was all there even history and myths of vampires, werewolves, ghouls and goblins they was all there. "I see someone is up" oak smiles down at me from the ladder he was standing on.

I look up at him and smile walking over to his ladder. Oak slowly climbs down the ladder and jumps down at the last few steps to land by my side. I sudanly ingulfed him into a hug nuzzling my head into his chest. Oak looked to be shocked at first bit then wraps his arms around me smiling down at me slightly. He was now in his slave clothes. His hands was slightly dusty from cleaning all the books and moving them around on the shelves. He let go of me and pulled back grabbing a few books and carring them to the shelf he wanted them on placing them in the right slots and sections. For some resin the library was always a mess by the seams of it. Book was always every were and half read thro. Books were mixed up and in different sections of the room. "Dose master read alot" I ask oak looking at all the books scatterd on the other tables.

"No master never reads unless he has purely nothing to do I think I have seen him read two or three times" oak tells me climbing down the ladder again. I pout my lip out and shrug going over to one of the shelves and grabbing the same book I was going to read yesterday before master stephan got me.

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