chapter 13:

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That was the last thing I remember until I woke up curled up to rosealen and marshal in my bed. What had happened to me why was rosealen and marshal in my bed hugging me.
"You okay sweet hart" I hear a sweet voice ask me and turn over to see rosealen looking me dead I the eyes as she slowly sat up smiling done at me then I saw marshal Lee float up above me with his devilish grin on his face.

I smiled up at him and then they both give me a big hug but let go when master lunch walks I ti the room looking at me with sad eyes and grabs me by my arm pulling me out of the room rosealen and marshal both give me a aching look as he take me away from them. He pulls me quickly up the second flight of stairs and into his room at the top floor and I see oak sitting on his bed and looks I've r to the both of us when we walk in the room. Master lunic pulled me over to the bed after shutting the door and looking at me and oak what was going on why was I hear and what happened last night but I then hear crying and look over to a small cradle in the corner of the room and master lunic hisses at it. I don't know why but I had the urge to walk up to the crying and jus hold the little thing in my arms as if it was mine.
Master lunic looked at me as if reading my thought and nodded at me so I walked over to the small child and packed it up into my arms and smiled down at the small baby. It was a baby girl wrapped up in a pink blanket she had red hair that was all scruffy and beautiful sky-fall blue eyes just like mine. I looked over to oak and he smiled at me. Are you kidding I hadn't been here for long how did this happen so quick was she actually mine. "Yes she is and you are still my slave mckayla but since I had a talk with my sister she said you was feeling lonely so at nights you can sleep with oak like you used to and that baby can to" he tells me walking up to me and putting his cold icey Wight hand on my cheek making me shiver slightly at his touch.

"But there is one condition of corse you still feed me your blood but that child will be given away as soon as it's therteen years old to the next vampire who wants her" he tells me with a devilish smirk on his face the same one he had when we met.
When he baught me from that action. My face went numb as those words left his moth and rang through my ears and I feel to the floor to my nearest holding get onto the small baby as tight as I could crying tears staining my cheeks. Oak walked up to me and stroked my head moving the hairs out of my face gently but I just flinched away from him holding onto my child as tight as I could.
No he couldn't do that to her she was my child and I will die before she is taken from me no I will not be like my mom and dad who gave me away so easily that they didn't even care about me one bit. Thy didn't care I was sold to a vampire a monster who would now sell my child just like I was a few months ago. Anger takes over my body and I can feel some hung change in my but I didn't know what it was.
I stud up with my weak legs looking master lunic in the eyes then walking out the room with my child in my arms holding onto her for dear life as if I would lose her right there and then. I walked down to the kitchen and hurdle my baby girl gurgle at me and hold her in my one arm wile grabbing a bottle from the cabinets I was kinda spruced he even had any in his cuboids wait he knew this would happen that's why he said I want to go near oak he knew this would happen and I would lose my child but why. Why my child why. I looked down at my gurgling baby then fill the bottle up with milk wile looking down at my beautiful girl stroking her fathers red hair and feeling her soft skin under my frail hand.
To my surprise she grabs my hand making me drop the bottle but I don't hear it hit the ground and turn around to see master lunic with it in his hand. He hands me the bottle of milk and I slowly feed my baby girl relishing she had no name yet. I stroke her red hair again and smile at her she reminded me of her dad so much now and I had pushed him away from her because I was so mad at lunic but it's his child to he should get to name her to.

I look up at lunic and see him nod at me and zoom off with his vampire power as I walk over to the main room sitting down with my baby.
I feel a cold breeze brush behind me and turn around to see rosealen and marshal behind me stearing at the small child. But I was still confused to what happened and to how I even had the small red head in my arms not that I was complaining because I loved her already with all my hart but I was still wondering how as I thought that lunic came back down stairs with oak beside him as he came over to me and I smiled at him standing up and giving him the baby to hold gently putting her small head wile giving her bottle to him. Oak smiles at me happily as if this was his dream to have a child so much like him but the one thing I hated was when I looked over to master lunic his smirk was frightening and I couldn't stand it anymore as tow hybrid hi was here like people have asked me before. 

"Master why am I here" I ask him and he just looks The me calmly and pats him lap telling me to come over to him so I do and I sitting on his lap.
He give me a silver know knife and I cut over my wrist and let him drink feline pain for a bit and wincing at his frozen white teeth till he pulls away from my arm and looks at me slithering his arms around my waits calmly as I look over to oak and my child as he kept saying names and I shook my head at them.
"Well your dad and mom was master stephans slaves at one point and they had you and a few other siblings foe some resin he chose you to be the one to be sold and not your older brother and sisters witch is strange to me" he tells me calmly moving my hair from my face then pushing me off his lap after giving me a sweet kiss on the lips.

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