chapter 6:

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As I was reading a girl with dark red hair that was wayve all the way down to her split ends. she also had flashy pink eyes she looked to only be about thirteen years old. But I didn't know what vampire she was so she could have been older then that. When she walked over to the shelf oak amediatly walked up to her and started to talk about something. I couldn't quite hear what but she slapped him around the face the second he opened his moth to her reply. I gasped and syarted to watch everything they was doing. "Wait intill I tell my brother about this he won't be happy about this" she yells storming out the room with a black decorated book. It seamer to have a Red Rose with a dark blood staned stem on it but I couldn't really tell from how fast she went off.

I placed my book face down on the small table in front of me and walked over to oak. He looked away from me when I had reached him making me grab his chin pulling his head to look at me on his cheek was a sore red hand mark. Oak frowned at me and pulled away from my hand. "Oak who was that? Why did she slap you? Who's her brother?" I questioned him.

He didn't answer me.
"Fine don't answer me but qt least come read to me like you promised me" I smiled. I was a bit younger then oak and I had still acted like a small child loving stories being read to me at day and when I was going to bed. Oak smiled and walked back over to the small bean bags we slaves were aloud to use to read considering the maser hated us using his fine wooden once. I sat down on his nea and he began to read to me wile holding onto my waist so I wouldn't fall off his lap. I smiled aloud he read to me until master and the red headed girl who slapped oak came in. Master looked furious. He grabbed my arm viciously pulling me off of oaks lap and behind him. He glared at oak wile the girls full fangs was coming out as she glimmered her eyes over oak's neck. "I'm terrobly sorry little sister for oaks behaviour pleas have a drink" master gestured pointing at oak.

My eyes widened and I looked at master. What oak had told me he never got fed off not even from the girls in masters house. He wouldn't tell me the reason why but master looked mad at both of us. The red head girl stepped forwards to oak. Oak had a balance of fear in his eyes and the look of Hart broke. Master clicked his fingers making his sister freeze up as she got to oaks neck. I looked at master in confusion as oak let out a sigh of relief. The red head girl frowned moving back over to master looking at him in disapoment. What was it with me and oak he wouldn't let any one touch us without premition. But he only let them drink from us nothing more. Wich I had learned from experience. When the red head girl had left the room master walked over to oak and pulled his and my arm with him. Oak slowly started to blush as we headed to masters room. What did he know that I didn't what wasn't they telling me. Master looked back at us both checking to see if we was both still there. once we was in his room he pushed us both onto his bed making him stear at both of us in lustre liking his lips. My brain started to freezes.

Was master lunic bisexual did he like me and oak. I looked over to oak to see he was bright red from the tips of his ears to the rose lip pink cheeks. Did oak know about this. is this why he was blushing so much.
"M-master?" I gitered looking at him.

Oak looked like he couldn't say a word his moth was sealed shut.
"What is it mckayla?" He asked me as his eyes turned red with lust and wanting.

I Sudanly couldn't talk my lips was moving but words wasn't coming out. He had used telaconisis on me making me be quiet from asking him questions a pin questions. He pinned me to the bed and kissed my lips making oak pout and whimper at him giving me all the attention. He moved back and smiled crawling onto the king sized bed and laying on to his pillows. He ushered us both to come closer to him. Not dearing to disobey we did as we was commanded to do and climed onto one of his neas eatch. He twisted mine and oaks heads so we was looking at each other. He pushed them closer together so aware lips was next to each other. What was he doing? What was he trying to do? Before I even relised or could stop it me and oak was kissing pashionatly with master lunic watching us. He Sudanly butted in and started to kiss oak as he pulled my moth to his neck. I slowly began to Nibble at his neck as he kissed oak. He pushed me and oak away from us giving us aware voices back. He stared at us as if we did something wrong to him what did we do? I sudanly looked down relizing none of us hardly had any clothes on and all three of us was out of breth. What had just happened. We was just in aware clothes. I looked up to see a smirking master in his now unzipped jeans and topless body. Oak whimpered and master grabbed him pulling him into his chest. Oak curled up to him and smliled sweetly at him. A Sudan cloud of jelously came over me and master pulled me to his other side letting me do the same as oak. Master relaxed back into his pillows holding us as me and oak sat on his musiled chest happily. My vision sudanly became fate and I started to fall asleep.


I woke up in master lunics room curled up to oak. I sat up and began to blush remembering what happened last night.
"Oak wake up" I whisper shaking him till he moves

Oak moves and opens up his eyes looking at me. He began to blush seeing both of us without aware clothes. To be honest his top half looked really good he suprisingly had a very well made musils. And his torso had a angelic tattoos of a pair of twisted wings on his shoulder. I began to heat up and blush even more at the sight of it.
"What do you want vixen?" He askes me.
I looked at him confused as to why he called me vixen. Then remembered him and master lunic was calling me a fox last night.

I started to look in his eyes and we both leaned in and began to kiss as we slowly created a heated moment with eatch other.
We both snapped aware heads to the door hearing it open up.
"I see you two was having fun with out me" master lunic smirked. We both moved away from eatch other looking at him.

"now get dressed and do your chores" master lunic tells us.

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