chapter 7 - Rock Never Dies

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"Then you want to make this vessel permanent?" Rowena asked.

Later, Rowena was putting spell markings on Vince/Lucifer's chest.

Rowena: (voice over from 12.03 The Foundry) "Strong enough to hold you?"

Rowena placed her hand on his chest over the glyph she had drawn, looking up at him, chanting. "Fes ti na."

Vince/Lucifer seemed to realize that the spell was not what he had thought it was. "Red, what did you do?"

"Sped up the decaying process, my Lord," Rowena answered.

Vince/Lucifer yelled in pain. "You can't destroy me."

"Not yet, but I can send you far, far away," Rowena told him. "Try finding a new vessel at the bottom of the bloody ocean. Abi!"

Vince/Lucifer disappeared in a flash of purple light.



A Week Ago 

Night - Adam's House - Basement 

Two boys, Adam and Gordy, were in Adam's basement, attempting to summon Lucifer. 

"Dark Lord," Adam chanted.

Gordy chuckled. "Apollyon."

"Beelzebub," Adam went on. "As your humble servants, we beseech thee. We say your names as summonings. Show thyself! Serpent."

"Devil," Gordy said.

"Lucifer, show thyself," Adam told him. "Rain your splendor upon me. Let me bathe in your unholy wrath." Gordy stifled a laugh. "Drench me, Lucifer." Gordy was trying to hide that he was laughing at Adam. "Cut it out, Gordy." Gordy bluntly laughed at Adam. "Dude, it's not funny."

"Dude, you asked Lucifer to drench you," Gordy told him.

"I didn't write it, okay?" Adam asked in defense. "It's a Satanist Society of America-approved summoning. I found it online."

"Yeah, like you found that 'artifact'," Gordy told him, pointing to a feather. "Face it, Adam. Your 'Satan feather' is faker than my stepmom's Chinatown Fendi."

"It's real," Adam told him.

"It's a rock," Gordy told him.

"Well, it's fossilized," Adam replied. "A feather from Lucifer's wing. The seller excavated it from one of his crypts."

"Lucifer has 'crypts'?" Gordy asked. "Lucifer has 'wings'? You're so freaking dumb."

Vince/Lucifer appeared, his vessel rotted and wet from being in the ocean for too long. "Actually, I've been looking for that."

Gordy was in shock. "No way. No freaking--"

Vince/Lucifer used magic to snap Gordy's neck, looking at Adam. "Hiya."

Adam backed away. "You're... i--it worked. My summoning actually--"

"The only thing that 'summoned' me was this," Vince/Lucifer told him, taking the fossilized feather from Adam. "This vessel was already wearing out, and my trip under the sea did not help. With a little power up..." He put the fossilized feather to his chest, using the feather from his wings to make himself glow and healing himself. Adam used his cape to cover his face because of the sudden glow of light. "Hey, won't last long, but it'll do. So, uh, you and your pal, are you typical of my following on Earth these days? 'Cause... oof."

Worlds Colliding (Supernatural) Book TwelveOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz