#imagine for @xsarahmardx

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“Wheeee!”, Nathan exclaimed as you pushed him around the supermarket. “Oh good gosh Nathan , why I am doing this?”, you whispered. He smiled. “Because you love me!”, he shouted. You snorted jokingly. “Sure. Of course I do.” He looked you in your eyes. “I love you, YN”, he said sweetly. “I love you too, Nathan ”, you replied and gave him a quick kiss.

“Oh! YN YN YN! Can we get that? There’s a prize inside!”, he hollered. You laughed and kept going. “No! Stop”, he screamed. You ignored him. “Nathan , we are out in public. Stop it.”, you mumbled. He reached outward and grabbed a huge soda bottle. He shook it up and opened it in your face. “Ha!”, he said. You looked down at yourself in disgust. “It’s on.”, you replied. Nathan quickly jumped out of the cart and ran down the aisles. You lost him, but this wasn’t over.

You jumped to the ground and began to crawl, whipped cream in your hand. Suddenly, you saw Nathan three aisles ahead—peering out in search of you. Luckily, he didn’t see you. This made him an easy target.

It all went downhill from here. You both totally CRASHED the supermarket. It got so bad that security had to kick you out and take your pictures. You were officially banned from the store! Nathan walked out in style and went straight up to the manager. “Put it on the card!”, he said casually, handing the man his credit card. You facepalmed and couldn’t believe that this was the man you were marrying in a couple months

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