19. Abducted

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Mia's POV

Where are you taking me! My apartment's there, not here." I whined at Jungkook, who was carrying me bridal style all the way to his house from the car, saying that I had still not recovered enough to walk that much distance on my own. 'Seriously bruh?' I thought and rolled my eyes at his overprotective attitude.

"I can see that." He replied while trying to knock at the door. I tried to get out of his grasp but the task seemed just impossible considering his strength and my extremely low energy reserves. Although others just continued to laugh at us. Namjoon rang the door bell of Jungkook's house. Once the door opened, we were greeted warmly by his mother and were told to get inside quickly. I was really confused about why he brought me here instead of my own apartment when they had clearly told me in the hospital that they were taking me home.

"Dude! Put me down seriously. I am not handicapped. I can walk." I tried to sound assertive and surprisingly, he actually adhered to my command this time. He gently put me down and guided me towards the couch.

"I've never seen him caring so much for someone before." Jin stated, wiping his fake tears.

"Obviously, he gotta care for his girlfriend!" Hoseok replied instantly with a smirk. However, both Jungkook and I blushed furiously at his comment.

"Girlfriend huh! You never told me when that happened." His mom squinted her eyes at him while trying to hide her smile. Jungkook gulped nervously under her gaze.

"I-I uh...we..." Jungkook stuttered but she cut him off.

"Oh cm'on son! I knew it all along. Did you think you could hide your feelings from me?" She scoffed while pointing towards herself. My cheeks turned even more red at her statement. The laughter of all the boys made it even more awkward for me.

"Aww, my daughter in law's blushing!" She teased and my eyes almost fell out of my sockets. When I looked at Jungkook, he was carrying the same bewildered expression on his face. She seemed really easy going for an Asian mom.

"Will you stop it already mom!" He whined with a pitiable look on his face. She laughed and pinched his cheeks, making him groan in pain.

"Okay, enough of playing around. Let me get something for you guys. Till then, take her to her room carefully and make her comfortable." She told Jungkook and left the living room after passing me a warm smile, making my heart melt in an instant. Never had I got such a generous smile even from my own mother. God damn, Jungkook's really lucky. I felt happy for him that he had such a wonderful family and because of him, I had also become a part of his family. Well, sort of!

Jungkook helped me to get up from the couch and slowly started to take me towards the room upstairs. I started getting nauseatic after taking a few steps. Maybe I was still very weak for much body movements. Therefore, he picked me up once again and started heading upstairs. All the guys started hooting because of his actions which made him smile shyly at me while looking at my flushed face. Their voices started subsiding once we were near the top end of the stairs. I face palmed at the whole commotion and shook my head in disbelief.

"Why are you making such a big deal out of it? I am fine and I can walk by myself. I didn't hurt my legs that day. Remember?" I asked him and he only chuckled in response.

"Did I make a joke over here?" I asked him, annoyed because of his behaviour. He just shook his head like a child but didn't utter a single word. Meanwhile, we kept on heading closer and closer towards the room I was supposed to stay in for God knows how long.

"What are you even doing? Can't you speak something?" I rolled my eyes and he grinned in response.

"I just want to listen to your voice. I haven't heard it for so long. Keep speaking. It's really soothing to my ears." He replied with a soft smile and I could feel the sincerity in his voice. But playing around with him wouldn't hurt right?

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