1. A silent wish

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Jungkook's POV

Walking through the streets of Seoul, I was enjoying the light evening breeze and thinking of an escape from going to school tomorrow. You might be wondering why? Well it's because I really hate going to school. It's full of fake people and scoundrels. Oh! How I wish I could skip school forever...But wishes aren't bound to be fulfilled right? 'And mine is just so absurd that even God wouldn't consider fulfilling it once.' I thought to myself and laughed at my own thoughts.

I've always been trying to keep my life simple and avoid being in the much wanted limelight. To me, it's as worthless as shit. 'But who can win over the stereotypical beliefs of the society that being in limelight is one of the best things a person can ever have!' I thought and rolled my eyes at the same time, completely annoyed of the attention I have been receiving at the school constantly.

Honestly, I just want some loyal friends in my life and I am grateful that I've got a lot of them. But still, there's one thing missing.

Unconditional love.

A person to hold onto when I am feeling low. A person to share all of my pointless thoughts with. A person who would actually love me for what I am. That's still missing in my life.

"Still waiting for you!" I sighed and looked towards the sky while moving ahead.

I came to a halt once I saw a park, which to my surprise, was completely empty. And an isolated place means...some peaceful moments! I wanted to spend some time there with my thoughts because the park looked really peaceful and nice. I just wanted some peace and rest at that moment because I had been so fed up with my life since the past few days. All the things were going out of my hands. I neither had peace at school nor at home. And that's only because of me being famous.

As I walked towards the rusty bench which had got damaged due to the lack of paint and constant supply of moisture, I noticed a girl with long, black hair, sitting there. I looked around to see if anybody else was there with her. But, she was all alone. She had her face cupped in her palms and was shaking terribly, as if she was feeling really cold. But the weather had been quite pleasant since morning and it would be difficult to imagine someone shaking like this because of it. 'I think something else is going on there.' I thought to myself.

I kept walking towards the bench to take a closer look and noticed something. Something not as pleasant as the weather...She was crying there, alone. And I just stood there, watching her cry. Being a good person, I thought of comforting her. Obviously, who wouldn't do that when they see anybody crying. Well, this does imply on someone like me, I don't know about the rest!

I should've asked her if I could help her with anything because that's what people usually do. But instead of doing this, I just stood there, watching her back shaking due to the constant crying and listening to her breathy sobs. I was feeling bad and shy at the same moment. Bad for the pathetic state she was in, and shy because I had to talk to her in order to comfort her and to be honest, I was feeling very shy to talk to her. I couldn't gather enough courage to ask a girl why she was crying. Dude! What a shame! 'I should really get classes from Jin hyung on how to talk with girls!' I thought internally. For your knowledge, he's really good at it. Well anyway...

Just when I decided to confront her and maybe help her out if I really could in any manner, she stood up from the bench, still sobbing. I opened my mouth to call her but before I could even speak a single word, she wiped her tears with one of her sleeves and started walking away. And me? I just continued watching her going away and slowly fading into the distance. She must have been tired of life just like me. The only difference between us was that she could cry while I, being a boy, couldn't cry because of the stereotypical beliefs of the society that boys don't cry.

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