8. Female power

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Someone's POV

"I met her in school today." He told me with a serious expression.

"What's wrong?" I asked him. I know something's making him worried.

"Life's being harsh on her." He told me with sad eyes. My eyebrows cocked up at that.

"What do you mean by that?" My voice came out to be a little more high than expected. He got startled at that. I noticed it and immediately apologised to him.

"No, don't apologise. I understand that it's difficult for you." He stated with a soft expression. I could tell something really bad happened with her today. He doesn't get worried so easily.

"Tell me what happened today. I am getting scared now." Seeing how worried he looked, I couldn't wait anymore to know what had happened.

"You know her boyfriend right?" He asked out of the blue. Hmm... Jaebum. What about him?

"Yes, why are you asking this?" I asked confused.

"He doesn't treat her right." He said hunching his back and sighing loudly. Did he just say that Jaebum doesn't treats her right? How dare he?!!

"What?! What did he do?!" I asked furiously.

"She told me that they broke up a few months ago. And now he's been bugging her to go back to him." He told me looking into my eyes. It seemed as if he was trying to read my mind, which he actually was, because he wanted to know my reaction to this news. 'Babe! Don't you even dare to read my mind!' I smirked inside my head.

"What if I do?" He asked raising an eyebrow at me and smirking evilly.

"Stop it and tell me everything in detail Yoongi!" I said sternly looking straight into his eyes. He rolled his eyes and huffed before starting. I just shook my head at his behaviour. He's turning more and more childish with time.

"Well there's this girl Yeri. She approached Jaebum one day when they were still dating and told him that Mia was cheating on him with one of her classmates. He got furious and without even thinking twice, he broke up with her." His brows were furrowed deeply while saying all this.

"Idiot!" I mumbled under my breath but he heard it and chuckled a bit.

"She tried to ask him the reason for breaking up but he just left her hanging. She kept on calling him, texting him to know what had happened but he didn't answer.... You know...she was crying by the time she was telling me this. She must have been really hurt." He told looking at me with his eyes filled with concern.

"She loved him a lot. Obviously she would get hurt because of all this." I stated as a matter of fact. "...Anyways, what happened next?" I asked curiously.

"When she realised that he wasn't going to talk to her, she told her friend.... what's her name now..?..." As always Mr. Forgetful.

"Yuna?" I offered.

"Yea, that's right! Yuna! She asked Yuna to talk to him and find out the reason. Yuna agreed. When Yuna told her everything, she..-"

"She realised that he's a jerk and left him alone." I completed the sentence for him. He got surprised after hearing this.

"How do you know?" He asked surprised.

"It's obvious. I know she would never date a person who doesn't trust her. Now, continue!" I said casually.

"Hmm...so when that idiot realised that Yeri had lied to him just to get close to him and break them apart, he started approaching Mia again... Wait!!... did I tell you he also dated Yuna for a while?" He asked with his brows furrowed in confusion.

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