18. Lies

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A week later

She kept on eyeing the unconscious girl lying in the hospital bed, constantly regretting and feeling guilty for the state she was in. Never had she felt so helpless and hopeless in her entire life. The thought of losing her sister ignited a sharp pain inside her heart. She tried to cry but no tears came out of her eyes because of the emptiness inside her heart.

"She'll be fine. She has almost healed now. Trust me." Yoongi reassured her while bringing her closer to himself. He put his arm around her shoulders and tried to comfort her. Zia was grateful for all the care and love he was showering over her but still a sharp pain lurked inside her lifeless heart, which ironically wasn't supposed to feel anything.

"This is all my fault. I should've been careful enough to not let my anger take over my senses. This is all my damn fault." Zia pulled her hair in frustration and hid her devastated form inside Yoongi's arms.

"Sshh...everything's going to be fine. Don't worry. I am here with you. I'll try my best to heal her. I am by your side Zia." He tried to convince her with a gentle voice.

"I am not worried about myself Yoongi. My sister...my Mia is lying like this in the hospital because of me. Do you think I'll ever be able to forgive myself? It's not that easy for me. I am hating myself more and more with every passing moment." She sobbed inside his hold while clinging onto his shirt.

"I just want to talk to her like the old days. I just want to be with her. But there's no freaking way for this to happen. I-I can't even face her." She cried wholeheartedly in his arms.

He was feeling extremely helpless in this situation. He had never thought that such a thing could happen. All of his miseries and sorrows seemed nothing in front of the pain she was in. Her broken form stinged his heart. Before he could say anything else to calm her down, Zia sensed somebody's presence near the room.

"Somebody's coming. Run!" Zia shouted and yanked off his arms abruptly.

It took a second for Yoongi to register what she had said before both of them hid behind the curtains of the hospital room. Meanwhile, Jungkook entered Mia's room with a bouquet of flowers in his hands. He placed it on the side table and took a seat beside her bed. He took in a deep breath before holding her hand in his. Gaze fixed on her closed eyes, he could only hope for her to wake up.

His face held a relaxed expression while studying her features. However, his calm expression soon turned into a worried one upon seeing tears sliding down her cheeks. He wasn't able to understand how she could cry in an unconscious state. Maybe science had a logical explanation to this but this sight was unbearable for him. So he gently wiped away her tears with his handkerchief. Meanwhile, Yoongi kept on staring at them with a gentle smile while Zia seemed confused about the guy sitting beside her sister. She didn't know what he meant to her or what sort of a relationship they shared. But she was sure about one thing- if Mia was with this guy, then she might be the luckiest girl on the planet.

"It's been a week Mia. But for me, it feels like ages since I've last seen you smiling. Why are you making me wait for so long? I am dying to talk to you. Wake up Mia. Wake up please." He whispered in despair while looking at her pale face.

The whole week, he'd come to the hospital with the hope that she might have woken up. When he came to know about her accident, his whole world turned upside down. He thought that she was fortunate that Yoongi had found her unconscious in the car and brought her to the hospital on time. If it hadn't been for Yoongi, who knew what could've happened to her. Jackson just had minor injuries and he was doing fine. But Mia had lost a lot of blood and saving her had been a tough job for the doctors.

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