Are You Bored, Wolfrun?

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Ulric stood on top of a building, his eyes closed, savoring the feel of the wind in his light gray freshly laundered, fluffed up fur. He breathed in deeply, naming all the scents in the wind. The freshly cut grass, the smell of the earth, the food frying in the stores, and something else, something... Glittery and sweet.

He opened his eyes, hearing laughter in the streets, he smiled, grabbing a book, and flipping it open, in the other hand, he held a tube of black paint, squeezing it tightly in his hand, until it burst. He smeared the glistening black paint onto the snow-white pages of the book.

"Come out, come out wherever you are... Glitter Force."


April and Emily's eyes widened as they saw the dark zone open up.

"Time to act Emily!" April said dragging her along.

They soon transformed into their superhero forms.

"Call the others!" Emily yelled to April, as she ran to the dark zone.

Ulric grinned as he saw an annoyingly bright pink form running towards him, he jumped down, doing a flip and landing right in front of her. Lucky glared.

"What NOW Ulric? Didn't you learn your lesson!? Yet!?!" She glared.

He chuckled. "Don't you know? I skipped school."

Her face dead panned in annoyance. "Just give up already!"

He grinned, as he got into a fighting stance, crouching low, ready to pounce. "Never." He growled, loving every minute of it.

Lucky grew nervous as she waited for her friends to show up. "Could we uh.... Wait a couple of minutes?" She asked sheepishly.

He straightened, and cocked his head, a confused look on his face. "... Why?"

Lucky shifted nervously. "Ummm, my friends aren't here yet, so I thought, we, could..... Wait?" She said shakily.

 Ulric rolled his eyes, and slumped.
"UGHHH, I don't want to wait." He looked her straight in the eye and went back into a fighting stance, taking a step forward.

"I've waited ALL week, I wanna fight NOW." He said, enjoying himself.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, NO!! It'll be more... FUN with the other's! ... Right?" Lucky said weakly, taking a step back.

Ulric dead panned and huffed, but did not move any closer. They stood in an uncomfortable silence, waiting for her friends to arrive.

"... Okay, I'm bored." Ulric said, then pulled out a blue ball holding it to the sky.


"WAIT!! HOLD ON!! TIME OUT!!" Lucky failed her arms wildly, as she panicked, trying to delay the wolf.

But it was too late, as a bolt of negative energy, hit the nose, the buffoon took the form of a lamppost.


"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" Her scream faded into a confused question. "A lamppost? Really?"

He shrugged, in a non carrying way. "It's not like I choose what it is, if I could, you and your little friends wouldn't BE here." He said smiling maliciously.

She shuddered and shifted nervously.
"Just... Just a couple more minutes?" She pleaded.

Ulric's ears flickered as he heard the clicking of heels on pavement, and smelled that familiar glittery scent. "Mmmmmmm...... No. BLUE NOSED BUFFOON! Get her!!"

Lucky shrieked, and started dodging the enchanted lamppost, she squealed as it almost stepped on her, multiple times.


The buffoon began pelting her with light bulbs the size of her head, that would explode in a shower of glass, and electricity.

Glitter Sunny was the first to arrive. "Oh.... It's YOU flea bag."

"Sunny, HELP!" Lucky cried as she dodged a light bulb, tumbling to the ground.

Sunny ran forward and kicked the Buffoon, sending it flying through the air, and tumbling to the ground.

"Yeah! Score one for the glitter force!"
Sunny said pumping her fist.

The Buffoon lay still, as spikes, shot it off it, and it began rolling towards them. Kelsey gulped, and Lucky screamed as she began to run away. Ulric laughed as they ran.

"Where are the others!?" Lucky screamed.

The Buffoon literally froze in its tracks. As glitter Breeze showed up. Spring ran over, helping Sunny, and Lucky to their feet. The girls formed a line, getting into their fighting stances.

"WAIT! Where's Glitter Peace!?!" Lucky looked around wildly.

Peace ran up panting. "Here... Here I am." She gasped desperately as she placed her hands on her knees.

He waited for a while, until she got into her fighting stance. "Okay, l'm ready."

Ulric laughed. "Well see about THAT."

Lucky, and Spring distracted the Buffoon, as the girls got ready to destroy it. After a couple of minutes they went into rainbow burst, and quickly debated the Buffoon. The girls panted tiredly and smirked at the wolf.

"Take... that... flea bag." Lucky gasped tiredly.

Ulric growled. "Next time, Glitter Force." And he phased away.

Sunny began cheering, until she saw another dark zone open up, at a different part of the city.

"WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT!?! But-but... BUT WAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!?!" Lucky whined.and flopped to the ground.

Breeze hauled Lucky to her feet, by the arm. "Come on guys, it's or job to protect them, no one else can do it."

When they reached the next dark zone Ulric was waiting.

He held up his arm, pointing at his wrist. "Oh look, it's next time."

Lucky pouted and got ready to fight, Spring glared and got ready.

"Let's go wolf." She spat, angrily.

He grinned, chuckling. "Super Buffoon! Come on down!"

After a couple of grueling, frustrating minutes, they went into their princess mode, and defeated the Buffoon. Ulric grumbled under his breath and phased, leaving the girls, drained and just about unconscious on the street.

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