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Ulric stumbled through the door and leaned heavily against the wall. He was quite a sight. Brooha was reading a book, and was trying to work on a project, then she looked up curiously.

"What happened to you?" She raised an eyebrow. Ulric grimaced as he walked forward, limping slightly.

"I got into a fight." He chuckled. "You should see the other guy."

"I'd really like too, especially if he can defeat the high and mighty Ulric." She smirked mischievously.

Ulric laughed. "You think HE defeated ME? I took more away from him, then he'll EVER take from me."

"Oh? But it looks like he got quite a chunk outta you." She nodded towards the gaping hole in the wolf's arm as she chuckled.

He scowled. "I took a FINGER. This," He said gesturing to his wound. "Can heal, but a finger is not gonna come back any time soon." He smirked triumphantly.

Her eyes narrowed as she scrutinized the furry being. "Prove it."

He glared. "What with? I ATE it. Now stop asking questions, and fix me."

"And how am I to do that!? I destroy things! NOT FIX!!" She snapped.

The wolf face palmed, and slowly dragged his hand down his face. He grumbled. "I knew I shouldn't of asked an incompetent old hag like you."


Ulric looked up and raised an eyebrow. "Well obviously not Brute. Would you JUST patch me UP!?!?"

She huffed and crossed her arms defiantly.

"NO! You called me names!" She stormed off. He rolled his eyes, and got up.

He walked to the witches room, and grabbed the stuff he'd need, grumbling about dodgy old coots. He went into his room and slammed the door.

Awhile later... the Jester appeared in the wolf's room. "Ulric. I need to speak with-... What happened?"

Medical supplies were flung all over the room, and Ulric sat on his bed curled in a ball, his arm still bleeding, he clutched his tail close. He was stroking it softly, his dove grey ears were flattened against his head as he struggled to ignore the pain.

"That... turtle I told you about? He wanted payback."

The Jester pinched the bridge of his nose, and huffed softly. Then knelt in front of him on the floor. "Tell me about it." He started fixing the wolf's wounds.

Ulric grimaced in pain as he began.
"Well I was looking for the Glitter Force, when he came out of nowhere, and rammed into me. Everything you see here," He said gesturing to himself. "What's NEW, is from him."

The Jester's face creased into a deep disapproving frown. "You'll need stitches."

He grabbed a sewing kit, then... started sewing without warning, he began with the wolf's forearm. "Did you find the glitter force?"

Ulric whined in pain, biting his lip. It was awhile before he answered.

"No, I couldn't find them before he attacked me." He chuckled maliciously. "But I did quite a number on him."

"Did anyone witness this battle? Or had this brawl gone unnoticed?" He finished with the forearm then very carefully, almost delicately, started wrapping the lupus' arm.

"Only his brother's... No one else was there." Ulric said watching Rascal.

The multicolored haired man stayed silent for a few moments. "Brother's? How many? And why are they here?" He kept his gaze on his work.

Ulric shrugged (albeit a little awkwardly.) "There's three brothers'. Four turtles in all, and I have no idea why they're here."

The multicolored haired man rocketed a bandage, then stood. "I suggest you get some rest Ulric, don't go on missions, or leave for a while, until your arm heals. Then will go after these... turtles."

Ulric slammed, and crossed his arms. He huffed and looked at Rascal. "This mean I'm grounded?"

Rascal looked at the wolf, down his nose. "Yes you're grounded and can't leave Bad End, let alone the castle. Though I know this means we'll get no closer to our goal..." He sighed and walked to the door. "I absolutely will not lose a friend. Not another one. Sleep well Ulric."

Ulric flopped on to his bed and grumbled as Rascal left. He sighed in relief. That fight had taken slit out of him.

Rascal closed the door silently, then tried his harder to coordinate the remaining generals, though it was all in vain. He grew frustrated and went to earth.

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