kendall / corbyn

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hi, where are you guys from? I was reading my stats and I thought it was cool that it said some of my readers are from places like Indonesia, Australia, Brazil and other cool countries. I live in the United States, where are you from?

Ten hours and forty minutes later we arrived in France. It felt surreal. As I hopped off the plane I looked all around. It even smelled different. The air smelt so much cleaner and purer than the Los Angeles air. I heard someone clear their throat behind me and I jumped. I looked back to see Cameron. I gave him a smile and returned to looking around.

I checked the time on my phone and was instantly confused. I had already changed my phone to France's time zone but for some reason I kept thinking it was still on LA time. 2:51 am. I had absolutely no idea what time it would be in California right now but I called corbyn anyway, I promised him I would whenever I landed. as soon as it began to ring, I swear I heard the sound of his ringtone close to me. I looked around but I didn't see anyone.I'm probably just really tired I thought to myself.

Corbyn pov

Kendall and Cameron were standing outside of the airport beside a wall, we were standing on the opposite side of the wall hoping they wouldn't see us. I heard Kendall tell Cameron she was going to call me and I struggled to dig it out of my pocket to put it on silent. Before I could, music blasted from my phone and Kendall's name popped up on my screen. I quickly muted it but I could hear her voice from other other side of the wall. "Did you hear that? That was Corbyns ringtone!"

"It was probably just somebody else" Cameron told her.

"I'm gonna call him again" she said and I made sure my phone was on silent. She called again and I let it vibrate. She sighed and I assume she sat back down on the bench to wait for their cab.

This is pre written because I just don't have the energy to write new chapters, I have four more pre written and I might release of them tonight, Idk yet. I've had a painful day and I just can't do it anymore. I'm sorry guys, I'm just sick of everything ily all

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