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It had been two hours and we still needed to find a tarantula. We'd found five so far but now we just needed the last one so we could take them back to the guy Cameron rented them from. Suddenly there was a scream from the kitchen and the three of us all ran in. Cameron's Mom was standing by the door looking terrified. She pointed at the wall and we all turned to see the last spider crawling up the wall beside her. Cameron ran over and grabbed it before it got out of reach.

"Mom? What are you doing here"

"I came to give you a package that was delivered at my house for some reason"

"Oh thank you Mom"

"You're welcome, I gotta get going but I'll see you this weekend for lunch right?"

"Yeah" He said, still playing with the tarantula in his hands. She smiled and waved goodbye as she walked out of the front door.

We all sighed in relief as he put the last one in the carrying case and closed the lid. I flopped down on the couch and put my hands on my head. Cameron flopped down beside me and put his head in my lap. He closed his eyes and I played with his hair for a few minutes. His hair was soft and running my fingers through it was relaxing. A few minutes later he rolled into his side with his head still on my stomach. He looked at me for a few minutes before saying something.

"Hey, Do you think you could take a few pics for me really fast?"

"I didn't bring my camera"

"Oh no I didn't mean professional pics, just one for my insta if you don't mind"

"No of course I'll take some. Where do you wanna go?"

"Just outside the apartment, I gotta get those spiders back in 20 minutes"

"Okay" I said and we both jumped up. Twenty minutes later we were in the car on our way to the reptile shop to return the tarantulas. I was driving Cameron's car, one of the perks of being his assistant. He was sitting in the passengers seat looking through the pictures I took.

A few minutes later my phone buzzed and he looked at it for me since I was driving. He laughed lightly and sat my phone back down in the cup holder.

"What?" I asked, glancing at him for a moment.

"You have post notifications on for me?" He looked over at me, smiling.

"Yeah" I blushed a little.

"That's cute"

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Even though this is a Daniel book, who do you ship? And what would be their ship names?

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