Chapter 51

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Jasmine's point of view

The next couple of days were spent in the hospital wing. I wasn't allowed to get out of the bed unless I had someone to accompany me. My side was still on fire from the healed wound and it felt like I was being cut over and over again. Moving didn't help, laying still didn't help, nothing helped. The pain was just too great for even me to handle. Madame Pomfrey kept a close watch over me while Severus was in class. He didn't want anyone but other professors, the headmaster, or himself to be able to come visit me.

"I'm not going to take any more chances to lose you. Dumbledore and I both agree that it would be best if you were to stay with me or to be accompanied by a professor going from class to class.", He had told me the day before.

I didn't want to argue with him so I had just nodded my head in agreement. But I hated feeling like I was being treated as a child. I could defend myself. "And that went great last time you tried it, didn't it?", my brain had thought in response.

So here I was, laying in this bed with Madame Pomfrey reading a book across from my bed, and waiting for Snape to get done with his last class so I can finally leave the hospital wing. I am so ready to get out of this uncomfortable bed and to actually be in my own space again, even if it made me thing of what had happened a couple of days prior. While I was thinking about how much I hoped I could just curl up in bed with a book the door had opened and both Dumbledore and Snape had entered the room.

"We'll take it from here.", the headmaster said and dismissed Madame Pomfrey.

She closed her book, nodded, and left through a door before they had even got halfway to my bed. I smiled up at Severus, but he didn't smile back. His eyes seemed to be a bit on the red side and his normally straight face was carrying a frown. My heart sank and my mind rushed trying to figure out what was wrong.

"Jasmine, it might be best if you were to leave the school for a while. Maybe even get out of here and go to the US.", Dumbledore said which caused Severus' face to frown even more, if that was even possible.

"I am not going anywhere without Severus. If he is staying here then so am I. If we are more volnorable apart why try and split us up?", I replied.

"Because there may be an attack on the castle is we are to stay here. I can put me in danger, but I can't put everyone else in the castle in danger too Jasmine. We will both leave, but I want you and our child to be safe. So you are going first.", Snape said softly and sat on the edge of the bed.

My heart sank even more as the words had left his mouth, "How long before you come?"

"A couple of weeks. I want to make sure you are safe and the school is safe before I leave. I'm not going to bring danger with us when we are trying to get away from it.", he replied.

"So I am going to be alone for a couple of weeks in a place I don't know while pregnant?", I asked getting a little bit anxious.

"You are to be staying with a friend of mine. She will be keeping you safe until Severus gets there.", the headmaster answered my question.

"I don't like this idea at all...", I sighed.

"I don't either, but it is something that needs to be done for us and our child Jasmine. The decision is final. You'll be leaving in a couple of days.", Snape said sadly, "Now lets get you all packed and ready to leave."

I just nodded and sighed as he stood up and helped me get out of bed. I winced in pain as my side burned from the healed wound, but I pushed through it to walk back to our quarters. The walk seemed to take forever and it as completely silent except for the light pat of our shoes on the cobblestone.

It just seemed like things have been going from bad to worse with nothing stopping it. From everything that has happened within the past couple of months you could just see what I mean. From leaving the castle and being taken by Voldemort to coming back and the whole Gabriel thing to this. My body has been through hell and back, basically, but I was still here and still strong. And if I was strong enough to get through that I am strong enough to get through this.

As Snape opened the door to our quarters my mind came back to reality. He walked in first and moved some things from off the floor before letting me walk in. The smell of cleaners was potent and I could only assume that he had scrubbed the floors to get the stains from some blood and from other chemicals and potions being spilled in the struggles.

"I'll get a bath started for you.", he said softly and walked off toward the bathroom.

I sighed and closed the door behind me before sitting at the table. I knew this was going to be hard on both of us, but it seemed as if he was just trying to avoid me now. I sighed and rested my head on my arms that I had rested on the table. The sound of the water hitting the bottom of the tub was all I could hear at the moment. As soon as the tub was full Severus came and got me. It seemed to be a bit of a daze as I got undressed and slid into the warm water.

"Are you hungry?", Severus asked once I had settled into the water.

"A little.", I replied softly.

"I'll get something cooked and ready when you get done.", he said and turned to walk out.

"I love you Severus.", I called after him.

"I love you too Jasmine.", he said before walking out.

It wasn't long before I was done in the bath and eating the spaghetti that Snape had made. He was sitting across from me just staring at his plate frowning. I put my fork down and sighed,

"You don't have to stay in here with me if you don't want to..", I whispered.

"It's not that. I just.. I don't want you going by yourself, but it is best to keep us all safe.", he replied.

"I know, but it won't be for all that long. And I'll be okay.", I said.

"It still doesn't stop me from worrying.", Severus sighed.

"I know.", was all I said before standing up and walking towards where he was seated, "Come to bed, please."

He stood up and we both went to bed, snuggling into eachother and enjoying one of the last couple of nights we would have together for a couple of weeks.

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