chapter 10

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-3rd person point of view

Jasmine cried out in pain as the cruciatus curse hit her again. She felt as if her bones were being shattered and that she was being ripped apart. "Just remember that this is to save Severus.", she keep repeating in her mind, "I'd rather have it be me than to be him."

It seemed like forever until the curse was lifted from her, but her body still ached in intence pain causing her to curl into a ball and to groan in pain.

"Are you going to tell me what i want to know?", the snake like man I the room said.

"I will never tell you what you want to know.", Jasmine spit out. There was no way that this man was going to get anything out of her. She wasn't going to tell him that she loved Severus, that would only make the man want to kill him more.

"You will tell me what i want to know soon enough Jasmine. And then your friends shall all parish and you will have no choice but to become mine.", Voldemort hissed out as he went to exit the room.

"I will never be yours you filthy disgusting being!", Jasmine yelled at him.

That caused him to whip around, causing his cloak and robes to Billie around him and to make a whooshing sound. He raised his wand and pointed it right at her chest.

"I might just have to change that. Do you really think that you can get away from me?", he asked.

"I can do anything i set mind to. My parents taught me that.", Jasmine hissed.

Voldemort chuckled," ehh hee hee. Your parents tried that, and look where it got them."

"Look where it got you you bloody snake. You lost your powers to a baby, you lost most of you most loyal followers, you have lost your strength, and you have lost the one this you thought you would always have, me.", Jasmine said, punctuating every point she made.

Voldemort was fuming at this point. "I have lost nothing! I still have my followers, i still have my strength, and i still have you!", he yelled. "I will never lose any of that you filthy brat."

With every word he said he walked farther into the room until he was about five feet away from Jasmine. He raised his wand and held out right over her heart.

"Your love will be mine.", he hissed and said a love binding curse that he had created himself a long time ago, Nexus Amare!"

A purple and pink light came shooting out our the end of his wand and hit Jasmine right in the heart. It swallowed her heart whole and made her feel like she was going to throw up.

She looked up to see Voldemort laughing like a mad man, "you are mine know.", he said and walked out of the room.

But little did he know that the curse didn't work, because true love it's more powerful than any curse.


-Snape's point of view

I was sitting in the kitchen fixing some potion instructions from a book that i had gotten just to how stupid people are. The next thing i know it's i got a searing pain inn my chest causing me to shout out in pain.

I gripped my chest, it felt like my heart was on fire and was trying to jump out of my chest. But as soon as it began it ended.

I leaned against the table trying to catch my breath. I had never felt something that felt that bad in my life. And I've gone through some horrible things.

I slowly stood up and tried to make my way to my room to get a pain dulling potion, but i only took a couple of steps before everything went black and i hit the floor.


Tell me what you lined most about the chapter i would love love love the feed back!!

But, Look the chapter is longer!! It is almost 700 words long and i am proud of myself for writing this. Oh my gosh i really love the whole 3rd person point of view in this book. I think it is working out very well.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter as much as i enjoyed writing it.

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