Chapter 33

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(This chapter and the rest of this book and the next book or two are dedicated to the amazing man that portrayed Severus so amazingly. He will be greatly missed and will Always live on in my heart and soul, and on my foot with my tattoo. And I made the edit that I'm using.)

Jasmine's Point of View

What did he mean? I have a lot to catch up on? I didn't quite understand.

"What all did I miss?", I asked.

"You've lost a lot of memory. The school got attacked and parts of it have fallen apart. We got stuck in part of it and you saved me from getting hit by a rock, but got hit yourself.", Severus said.

"I don't remember any of it.", I muttered and looked at my hands.

"It's okay that you don't remember. I would be dead if you didn't push me out of the way.", he softly said.

"I'm glad I did then.", I replied, "Wait the school got attacked, by who?"

"Voldemort is getting desperate. He wants you to be with him and is trying to do everything to get you, to split us up.

I talked to Dumbledore earlier and he wants us to get out and go somewhere safe for the summer. He said that we need to have time to make whatever we have between us stronger. The stronger our bond is the stronger we are I guess.", his voice was soft, almost like he didn't want anyone else to hear what we were saying, and I didn't blame him.

Who would really believe that we are meant to take Voldemort himself down. Or that I am suppose to help bring the world into darkness if I fell into His hands. People would think that we were crazy.

"I do remember talking to this lady. Um.. Gen... Gin... Guenivere? She said that our destiny is in my hands now.

I was suppose to fall into Voldemort's hands and help him bring the world into despair. That you were suppose to have fallen, should have died by the rock, but I changed everything that was written, or woven by her.

And now I somehow have to figure out how to make this work out between us. Figure out a way to bring Voldemort down, and how to help save the world. And I don't think I can do it.", I about started crying.

Everything was stressful enough trying to stay away from the Dark Lord, and with all of this on top of that was just about enough to make me break. There was no way that I was going to be able to do this.

"You won't have to do it, We will do it together. It isn't just your destiny anymore, it is ours.", he said and wrapped his hand around mind.

I smiled at him and said a soft okay in return. For the first time in my life I wouldn't have to do things by myself, and that felt amazing.

"When am I able to leave? I hate it here..", I finally asked after a moment of silence.

"Poppy said that you will be released in the morning. She wants to make sure that you are okay and that you won't hurt yourself by pushing yourself to hard.", Severus replied.

"But I feel fine!", I cried, "I hate it here... It makes me think I'm dying...."

"It's only for the night. And I'll stay as long as I can.", he said softly smiling some.

"But it isn't the same.. I feel like I can't talk to you the way that I want to, like I usually do, because someone will overhear us. I already stood up for both of us, and I know people are talking about it.. And I don't want anymore of that going around.", I complained and crossed my arms.

"I know. But you are staying and that is final.", he finally said.

"Now you are acting like my father..", I said and sighed.

"I'm just trying to do what is best for you.", he replied.

"I know..", I laid my head back ands stared at the ceiling.

3rd Person Point of View

They sat in silence for a long while. But it was a comfortable silence. Almost like they didn't need to say anything at all. Like they knew what the other was thinking, and it was okay.

It didn't take long before the exhaustion to set in and for Jasmine to fall asleep. Severus stayed and watched her sleep. He didn't want to leave her side in case something happened to her. Jasmine wasn't out of the woods yet, they had no idea just how much memory she had lost.

Severus heard the curtains being pulled apart and turned around to see Poppy standing there, "She just fell asleep."

"It is better that way, because I have some bad news.", she said with a frown on her face.

"What kind of bad news?", Severus asked.

"Jasmine might have lost feeling in her legs. The rock hit her spinal cord and may have caused some damage. I won't be sure until she tries to get up, but I am almost certain that she won't be able to walk.", Poppy said softly.

"There isn't a way to fix that?", Severus asked, his voice laced with hurt, how could something like this happen? He had just gotten her back, and it was like he was losing her all over again.

"There is no potion that I know of that can cure it, permanently or even temporarily. I am so sorry Severus.", she said before leaving and shutting the curtain.

"It really should have been me that got hit with the rock. She would eventually get over me, but she won't ever get over this.", he whispered to himself.

Tears leaked from his eyes and slid down his cheeks, falling onto the sheets with a soft thump. He rested his elbows on the edge of the bed and put his head in his hands.

There had to be a way to make sure that she was able to walk. There had to be something. He would give his own legs just so she could have hers.

"I'll have to start working on a potion that will help.", Snape muttered to himself as he looked at Jasmine who was sleeping peacefully.

He kissed her forehead and her cheek before he stood up. He pulled the curtain apart, closed them behind him, and quickly walked down to his classroom.

When he got to the classroom he pulled a torn and tattered notebook from his desk and flipped through some pages before stopping on one. She looked over the page before ripping it out and going to grab a bunch of ingredients.

For the rest of the night Severus worked on a million different potions, hoping that one will turn out right and would help Jasmine. He knew that it wasn't certain that she wouldn't be able to walk again, but he wanted to make sure that she would be able to if she couldn't.


Yay another chapter, that is full of all the feels. Please don't be mad at me... I don't think I could handle it at the moment.. But do leave comments and tell me how I am doing and what you think about the chapter. I feel like you guys don't like the chapters that I am putting out because I never get comments anymore...

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