RIP Alan Rickman :(

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I have no idea if all of you have heard the terrible news, but Alan Rickman passed. His battle with cancer was lost... And I have no idea how to deal with it.. How am I suppose to update without feeling torn apart??

I literally woke up to my Facebook full of posts about him... And I haven't been able to stop crying since. Harry Potter will never be the same without Alan Rickman.. God my heart hurts So much right now....

He was taken to early, way to early. Why does that happen? Why can't everyone just live until they are 80? I just lost one of my biggest inspirations, and my spirit animal, and it makes me terrified because I could be losing my grandma too... Oh my God guys... Help me....

I just can't comprehend anything... I guess I will end this here.... Just thought I would let people know...

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