Chapter 17

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3rd person point of view

Jasmine hasn't seen anyone in a couple of days. Not since Bellatrix had tortured her after what that man had done to her. She could still feel him on top of her. She could feels his fingers running over her body as he touched her. She could feel the tears that stung in her eyes and how she had screamed her throat raw. And most of all, she could feel how disappointed Severus would be in her because she was now unclean.

Jasmine curled herself into a ball and ran a hand over some of the scars and scabs that now littered her body. She wasn't perfect anymore. She was trained and battered. The scars were never going to go away. And she now hated herself because of it.

She could feel the bubbling black goo of depression and of hated boil in her stomach and start to spread through out her body. She could feel herself slowly becoming numb and not caring about anything. She couldn't help but to feel this way.

She had been broken, finally after being here for weeks, they had broken her. And all they had to do was have one man touch her in ways she wished she could forget. But there was no way that she was ever going to scrub the feelings of him off of her body, or the images of him from her mind.

The images were stained, burned even, into her mind, just as the image of Snape killing her parents was. It was just something that wasn't going to ever go away. Unless she forgot everything.

As the idea popped into Jasmine's head, the door opened and Ruth walked in with a tray stacked with Aimee of her favorite foods, and poking out our her pocket was Jasmine's wand.

"I finally talked Our Lord into letting you eat. He now realizes that none of that was your fault, he would be here but he has other business to take care of.", Ruth said, set the tray down, and slid the wand under Jasmine's pillow.

Jasmine smiled at her through her year filled and bruised eyes, "Thank you."

"Eat and get some sleep. Our Lord will come in to see you tomorrow afternoon and you will need your strength.", Ruth stood up as she spoke.

"I don't need strength to be chained to a bed.", Jasmine muttered.

"He is going to take you out tomorrow to get some stuff. And you are thing to need your strength for that. Now eat and sleep. I'll be back later to help get you cleaned up for tomorrow.", Ruth said and walked towards the door, "And don't forget to bring what is under your pillow. It may be needed."

Jasmine went to say something, but before she could the door shut. Leaving her alone with a tray of food that she didn't even want and her wand. She pulled her wand out and smiled as she felt the warmth of it on the palm of her hand. It felt like an eternity since she had held it, and she felt like a part of her had returned. But the other party was probably never going to return because of how she looked and what had happened.

And just like that, the happiness soon drained from her body and she sighed, "If Severus even came to save me it would be a miracle." but little did she know that he was coming to take her away from the pain and suffering. She would just have to wait a day or two.

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