Chapter 44

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3rd Person Point of View

The cloaked figure had been following Jasmine and Severus their whole trip. He followed them on their walk to Hogsmead, their shopping, their walk back to the castle, and now he was currently following them back to their quarters. He was waiting for the perfect time to strike. There was no way that he was going to let the prophecy of Jasmine's pregnancy happen. He would be the one to end it, no matter who got hurt or got in the way.

Jasmine had had a weird feeling the whole time they were out and she had it now. It was as if she was being watched, but there was no one there at all. She had looked over her shoulder several times jut to see that there was nothing behind them. Even though she had looked at the cloaked figure on more than one occasion, she had in fact not seen him at all.

It wasn't until they had turned the corner to their quarter that Jasmine saw the edge of a cloak and she stopped. Jasmine completely turned around and pulled her wand from her pocket. The hair on her arms and the back of her neck were standing on edge and it was as if the air itself had been sucked out of the hallway. The tension was thick, thick enough to cut it with a fingernail.

"What is it Jasmine?", Severus asked and looked down the hall seeing nothing.

"I've had a weird feeling like we are being followed. I've had it since we left, and I just saw a cloak. It didn't look like one I have ever seen before.", Jasmine said looking around the hall.

"There isn't anything or anyone here.", Snape replied.

Just after the words had left his lips someone grabbed him from behind and chuckled, "You aren't as good as you once were Severus. Which is a shame."

Jasmine pointed her wand at the cloaked figure, that she could now see, "Let him go."

"Tsk tsk. I thought you would be wiser than that Jasmine. But then again you were always the one that saves everyone else weren't you. Now drop the wand or Severus here is going to forget everything before I slowly torture him to death.", the man hissed.

Jasmine clenched her jaw, but dropped her wand. It hit the ground with a small clatter and slid away from her reach. Severus just stood there, trying to figure out a way out of this, but he wasn't able to come up with a plan.

"Your mind not working right Snape? I wouldn't figure it would. You really shouldn't have left. Your life would be so much better. Instead you are working with a bunch of privileged brats and you don't even have the job you really want. What a shame.", the cloaked figure chuckled.

"Take of your cloak. You made me drop my wand, so I want something in return. I want to know who I'm talking to.", Jasmine said before Severus could open his mouth.

"So now we are going to be negotiating? Alright alright.", the man slide the cloak off, not letting go of Snape or dropping his wand.

The man had long brown hair that hung well past his shoulders and he was extremely pale. His eyes were the colour of whiskey in the sun and he was taller than Jasmine had figured he would be. He stood at least two heads over Severus and he was menacing.

"I did as you asked me to, so now it is my turn. What makes you stay with him Jasmine? You could have anyone you want to, but you pick to stay with him.", he asked pulling Severus to stand up straighter.

"I stay with him because I love him. He is making me a better person, just as I am making him one. He understands me better than anyone else. Sure we have our ups and downs, but we work through them.", Jasmine replied looking at Severus.

"That doesn't sound like the Severus I knew at all.", the man shook his head.

Jasmine took a small step closer, "What is your name?"

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