chapter 12

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Ruth's point of view

I had spent all day trying to find a way to extract memories. I had gone through half a dozen books and not found anything. I finally picked up the last book i had and stayed to flip through it.

I flipped from page to page still not finding anything, until i got to the last couple of pages. I read over the chapter, " The memory extraction spell (incantation unknown) was used to remove single, specific memories from one's own mind and place them in a pensive or a flask for storage or if they wished to see the memory again. It is unknown if it has anicarnation.


When witches and wizards who have memories that they either wish to see more than once or memories that they cannot stand to think about again they remove it by placing the tip of their wand to their temple, then they slowly pull the tip away and bringing a long, silver strand with it. The witch or wizard would then take the removed memory and store it in a flask for storage (or for easy reach to put into a pensive) or they would store it in a pensive to revisit the memory.

The Pensieve is an object used to review memories. It has the appearance of a shallow stone or metal basin, into which runes and strange symbols are carved and precious stones are fitted. It is filled with a silvery substance that appears to be a cloud-like liquid/gas; the collected memories of people who have siphoned their recollections into it.

Memories can then be viewed from a non-participant, third-person point of view. Owing to the highly personal nature of extracted memories, and the potential for abuse, most Pensieves are entombed with their owners along with the memories they contain. Some witches and wizards will pass on their Pensive/ memories to another person.

The Pensieve has multiple functions.

At times, when one's head is so full of thoughts that one cannot hear oneself think, it is useful to be able to take some of those thoughts and literally set them aside. The practiced Wizard can extract a thought from his head and store it in a phial or in the Pensieve for another time. If it is in the Pensieve, it is possible to stir the thoughts stored there together and look for patterns. It appears that the wizard has the choice of extracting an entire memory, leaving no trace of it in his head or extracting a copy of a memory, retaining the original.

It is also possible to take another person's memories, place them in the Pensieve, and then enter them to relive them as if one were the person whose memories you have just added to the Pensieve.

A thought or memory stored in the Pensieve can, with proper stimulus, appear to nearby viewers as if standing on the surface of the basin."

I closed the book and went to talk to Jasmine about what i had found.


I'm sorry for the short chapter.. I can't think of anything, i have a mojor headache, and I'm sick...

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