Chapter 31

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(Well it happens again!!! Thank you Wattpad for deleting the most stressful and suspenseful 500 word I have written so far... So I get to write it again!!! Yay!!!! :/)
Jasmine's Point of View

As we walked into the castle everything went from calm and tranquil to complete and utter chaos. Kids and professors were running through the halls. Students with blood running down their foreheads, noses, cheeks, chins, arms, sides, legs, just about everywhere were racing towards the stairs, on their way to the infirmary.

Professors and other students were running the other way, straight from where all the chaos seemed to be coming from. And just then a huge quake shook the ground underneath us, causing Severus to pull me to him in a protective manner.

I watched as windows shattered and as bricks and stones of walls and the ceiling came tumbling down. I watched as students and as professors stopped and tried to get out of the way of the falling rubble.

And as the quake stopped another one rippled through the hall, shattering the glass above us. Everything seemed to be going in slow motion and the noisy chaos seemed to be drowned out.

Above it all I heard a voice booming through my ear, " You will be mine one way or another."

I gripped Snape's arm tightly and shouted over the growing noise, " He is in my head Severus!"

His arm tightened around mine, " He isn't going to get you. I will make sure of that.", he snarled back.

And as is He could hear us the ground at our feet shook, knocking us over. The walls around us tumbled down, more so than the other walls and everything seemed to move so slowly. I could make out every single dust particle out from the falling bricks and stones. I could see them slowly bouncing off another. And I could hear the sound of them clanking together, sounding just like a stampede of horses running through the halls.

I looked behind me to make sure Severus was okay and my eyes widened in horror as I saw a huge stone falling towards Severus's head. I opened my mouth to say something, but nothing came out. So I pushed him onto his back and took his place.

I watched as he bounced once he hit the ground and I watched as his lips parted, causing the breath to be ripped from his lungs. I blinked and say his eyes narrow at me before a sharp pain erupted at the back of my head and everything went black.

Severus's Point of View

I felt hands on my chest, pushing me back and forcing me to hit the ground hard. I bounced and the breath was torn from my lungs at the force of the impact. I narrowed my eyes up at Jasmine before they widened when I say the baseball sized stone flying towards the back of her head.

I watched as it smacked into the base of her neck, causing her eyes to roll back into her head and she fell towards my chest. She hit my chest and her arms fell limply to her sides. I sat up quickly and rushed to my feet cradling her to my chest. I had failed again. She had to save me, and I couldn't save her. I was a failure, I couldn't even keep a promise of keeping her safe.

As I mentally degraded myself I stumbled over the rubble and rushed up the stairs to the most likely packed infirmary. I cradled the back of Jasmine's head in my hand and felt as blood flowed over the palm of my hand.

"None of this would have happened if we had just stayed outside. But no, I wanted to come back to eat.", I hissed at myself, "I should be the one that is like this, not her."

I got to the top of the stairs and ran to the infirmary doors, flinging them open with a foot. Students, professors, house elves, and Madam Pomfrey were rushing everywhere helping more injured people and patiently awaiting their turn.

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