Chapter 50

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Severus's Point of View

I walked as fast as I could to get to Mcgonagall's class room. The halls seemed to become longer the faster I walked, and it was as if I was going slower and slower. It took what seemed like an eternity to finally reach her class room, but when I did I threw the door open causing it to slam into the wall behind it.

"Severus, what is wrong?", Minerva said after she clutched her chest and jumped out of her chair.

"Minerva, they got Jasmine while Percy was walking her back to our room. You need to come with me to inform Dumbledore because you are both going to want to hear this.", I rushed and started to walk back out of the hall.

I heard the chair she was sitting in squeak on the floor as she stood up swiftly and the patter of her feet as she strode down the hallway after me. Other than the pounding of our hurrying feet against the stone floors and the sounds of our rapid breathing there was nothing else until Minerva yelled the password at the statue. My feet flew up the stairs as fast as they could, and I was skipping steps when I could.

When we got to the top I threw the door open, making it slam against the wall with a loud THUD. Dumbledore turned his head to look at us with a sad look on his face.

"This doesn't seem to look good Severus.", he said.

"What doesn't?", I quickly asked and then looked down at what was laid out over his desk.

My heart dropped, my eyes watered, and my fists and jaws clinched together as I saw Jasmine's ripped and bloody shirt and robes. She was out there with two bloody idiots, with nothing to cover her up or to keep her warm.

"They are going to be dead if I lay my eyes on them.", I hissed and looked back up at Dumbledore.

"Now is not the time Severus. I have Alastair and Molly looking for them. They couldn't have gotten all that far. She will be returned safely. I promise.", he replied.

"You cannot possibly know that Albus. She is out there bleeding and probably freezing because who knows what clothes she still has left. And the baby... I knew I shouldn't have allowed her to walk out of my classroom.", I sighed.

This was, once again, my fault. There had to be some way that I could stop her from getting tortured, hurt, kidnapped because of my actions.

"You couldn't have known Severus, none of us could have possibly known that the twins would have acted like this. There is no reason to blame yourself, they are the ones to blame. But placing blame now is not going to help get Jasmine back. We need to start thinking about her and not ourselves.", Mcgonagall spoke up from behind me.

"She is right. Let's get her back before worrying about anything else.", Dumbledore agreed and looked up as Fitch walked into the room.

Jasmine's Point of View

"Let go of me you bloody gits!", I screamed as Fred and George both lugged me into an old shack.

"If you would have just left him alone and stayed with us none of this would have happened.", George said.

"And you would be in the safety of the castle and nice and toasty.", Fred finished.

"Enough of the what ifs and could have beens boys. Put her on the bed, now.", Gabriel ordered and stepped away from a shadow covered wall.

I growled and my eyes narrowed as I looked over at him, "So these two pricks have been working for you?"

"They have been keeping tabs on your and Severus. They have done a great job so far, and they have just made my life so much easier by bringing you to me.", Gabriel chuckled and walked towards me as the twins wrestled me onto the bed.

As soon as Fred let my arms go I punched him in the nose and kicked George off of me. I tried to get off the bed, but was pushed back down before I could stand.

"I like my women feisty, so keep it up Jasmine.", Gabriel smirked as he pushed my shoulders onto the bed.

I spit at his face and hissed, "You know Severus will be here any time now. So what is all this for?"

"That is the point. Lure Snape here, kill the baby, and take both of you to Voldemort. The Dark Lord is not going to take you when you are pregnant so it has to go. And Severus disobeyed orders, his punishment is death.", he said calmly.

My eyes widened and I fought to get out of his grasp, "He won't come alone. Dumbledore will be here too, what are you doing to do about that?"

"He won't do anything about that.", Mcgonagall's voice came from the doorway.

Hagrid and Dumbledore stood behind her and Dumbledore had his wand drawn. "You are outnumbered here Gabriel.", the headmaster said.

"It seems like I'm not. Three of you and three of me.", Gabriel replied.

"Let go of my girlfriend Gabriel, now.", Snape hissed from behind him, his wand pointed right at his head.

"Now there you are Snape. I knew you couldn't stay away.", he chuckled.

His hands left my body for a second before a knife was plunged into my side. Searing pain shot through my abdomen causing me to scream. I heard a body hit the floor, looking down to see Gabriel laying on the ground holding the whole side of his face.

I could feel the blood seeping down my side and onto the bed, and the rest of everything was a blur. I saw people moving around me and I could hear faint murmurs around me as everything slowly faded black.

3rd Person Point of View

The professors and headmaster rushed around the room gathering up the twins and Gabriel to take them back to the castle. Snape put his robe over Jasmine's body and ever so gently picked her up before apporating to the hospital wing.

Madam Pomfrey took one look at Severus and knew what was wrong. "Lay her on the bed.", she said before rushing off to the cabinet to the get some potions.

Snape lifted his robes off of Jasmine's body and grimaced at the long gash in her side. He took his wand out of his pocket and started to mutter "Vulnera Sanentur" over and over again to close the wound on her side.

It took over an hour for the wound to fully heal and for the bleeding to stop. Severus dropped his wand on the bed before collapsing in the chair behind him. The concentration it took to sit there for that long to close a wound was astronomical, and it left him dead tired. He closed his eyes for what seemed like a second before opening them again and it had been hours.

Jasmine was still laying in the bed sleeping, so to speak, and Severus frowned. He had no idea how long she was going to be out, if the baby was going to be okay, if she was going to be okay, or how to keep her protected. While his eyes were staring at the ceiling, thinking, Jasmine's fluttered open. She slowly turned her head and smiled.

"I knew you would come for me.", she said, her voice a little hoarse.

"I will always come for you Jasmine. I love you too much just to let you be taken from me without fighting for you.", he replied softly and looked down at her.

He rested his hand on hers and gave it a light squeeze, "He didn't do anything else did he?", he asked.

"No. Just held me on the bed to wait for you to get there. He wasn't expecting the company you had with you.", Jasmine replied.

"That is why they came. I knew the twins wouldn't expect it, I just didn't have an idea Gabriel was behind it.", he sighed.

"He did say he would be back to finish the job.", Jasmine shrugged.

Snape just nodded his head, and the room fell silent. Jasmine tugged on his hand and patted the bed next to her. "Lay down and take a nap with me. Please?", she asked which he happily obliged.

She scooted over enough that he could lay down and then rested her head against his chest. Peace fell over the both of them as they embraced eachother, not knowing what to expect with the baby.

"I love you Severus.", Jasmine finally said after a moment of silence.

"I love you too Jasmine.", Severus replied and kissed her forehead.

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