Chapter 21

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Snape's Point of View

Jasmine had been back for about a week, and she still hasn't woken from this coma that she is in. Madam Pomfrey said that she might be "out" for another week or so and that it was okay. "Her body needs time to rest and heal.", her words keep playing in my mind, but I couldn't help but it be worried.

I had no idea if she would be the same when she woke up. What if she never smiled or laughed again? What if she was afraid to be around me or other people? What if she cried herself to sleep, or even forced herself to stay awake just so she didn't have to deal with the nightmares? The what ifs just kept going in my mind. But the one that was always on my mind was what if she didn't love me anymore? And that one hurt. I don't know if I could deal with her not loving me anymore.

I was in my classroom grading, more like starting straight through the papers and thinking about the what ifs, when I heard the door open and close.

"Madam Pomfrey wants to see you. It's about Jasmine.", Filch said.

I got up and ran out of the room without even saying anything. I hoped everything was okay.

3rd Person Point of View

Snape ran, quicker than what should have been humanly possible, all the way from the dungeon all the way to the hospital wing. He ran past students that looked at him funny, but that didn't bug him at the moment, he just wanted to make sure Jasmine was okay.

When he got to the hospital wing the door was open and he walked in. Madam Pomfrey was grabbing a bottle of blue liquid, a pain killer.

She looked up when she noticed that someone was standing in the doorway, "Come in Severus.", she said and walked towards where Jasmine's "bed" was.

She pulled the curtain back and walked to where Jasmine was propped up with some pillows. Severus followed quietly and just about jumped for joy when he saw her eyes flutter open when the visual was pressed to her lips. She slowly drank the potion before realizing Severus was standing at the foot of her bed.

"I'll let you two have some time.", Madam Pomfrey said and left.

Snape slowly walked towards the head of the bed and sat in the chair.

"Severus.", Jasmine said slowly with a barely audible voice.

Snape smiled at her, "I'm here."

And with just those two words Jasmine smiled even though it hurt. She painfully pushed herself up so she was sitting at eye level with the professor. Her hand reached out towards him and he put his hand over hers gently.

"You actually came..", Jasmine said,voice cracking and tears welled up in her eyes.

"I will always come.", Severus promised and rubbed his thumb over the top of her hand.

Jasmine broke then the tears streamed down her face, "I'm so sorry. I'm sorry I so sorry...."

Snape stopped her and gently wiped the tears off of her cheeks with his other hand, "There is no need for you to be sorry. I should be the one saying sorry because I was stupid enough to not listen when you tried to explain things. None of this would have happened if I had just listened."

Jasmine sighed and sniffled. She didn't have the strength to argue and she knew that he wouldn't listen if she did anyways, "Ultimately I think it is both of our faults. You were stubborn and didn't want to listen and I didn't want to push you to make you listen, but maybe that is how it was suppose to be. Maybe it was just destiny."

Severus nodded and ran a hand through her greasy hair smiling, "Maybe it was. But I'm glad that you are back."

"Same here.", Jasmine replied, "And Madam Pomfrey said that I can go back to my room by tonight.. That is if you want me to..."

"Of course I do.", Snape said.

Jasmine smiled, "Okay."

And here is another update. Yay. Thank y'all for for still reading this story, even though I only update like once a week. Hope y'all enjoy the update.

Dreadfully GoneOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora