Chapter 23

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Jasmine's Point of View

I inhaled sharply as I heard those for words fall from Severus's mouth. Did he really love me or was he just saying that to make me feel better? How could someone love me when I couldn't even love myself? There was no way that he could love me, but I knew it was when he repeated the words softly and I felt a drop of water fall onto my arm.

I looked up to see a teary eyed Severus starting back at me. He smiled a lopsided smile and I couldn't help but smile back. I raised a hand slowly to his face and gently wiped a stray tear that escaped from his eye.

"I love you.", I whispered back.

Severus leaned his cheek into my hand more and covered mine with his own, "I'm never letting you out of my sight, or the sight of another teacher again. I'm not going to lose you, I can't lose someone again."

I could hear the hurt in his voice and the sincerity in his voice. And with those words I felt like my life was finally falling into place.

3rd Person Point of View

As Severus and Jasmine sat on the hospital bed Dumbledore stood in the doorway watching and listening. The was a smile on his face, simply because he got the inevitable destiny that was their lives happen sooner than it was going to by itself.

He could see the barely noticeable red and blue wavy air swirl around them, and how it started to outweigh the blackness. And he knew that Voldemort's last hold on Jasmine was slowly fading which make him smile.

He finally stood up straight and walked into the room, quite loudly, causing the two love birds look over at him. Jasmine pulled his hand away from Severus's face and pulled away from his embrace with a blush on her face.

"There's no need to pull away, I've been watching since Poppy left. I wanted to give you some time alone before both of you come to my office and see something, and after that you are free to go to your quarters and rest. I'll meet you there.", Dumbledore said and headed out of the the hospital wing.

Jasmine turned to Severus, "I'll be out in a minute. I want to put on regular clothes."

Snape nodded, "I'll be in the hall waiting."

He pressed a kiss to her forehead and headed to the hall way. Once he was put of sight Jasmine quickly took the white gluten she was wearing of and put the shirt and pants someone had brought for her.

She smiled when a note fluttered out from between the shirt and pants and she saw the familiar loopy letters. Jasmine sat on the bed and opened the note, " She Walks in Beauty

Lord Byron, 1815

She walks in beauty, like the night
Of cloudless climes and starry skies;
And all that's best of dark and bright
Meet in her aspect and her eyes;
Thus mellowed to that tender light
Which heaven to gaudy day denies.

One shade the more, one ray the less,
Had half impaired the nameless grace
Which waves in every raven tress,
Or softly lightens o'er her face;
Where thoughts serenely sweet express,
How pure, how dear their dwelling-place.

And on that cheek, and o'er that brow,
So soft, so calm, yet eloquent,
The smiles that win, the tints that glow,
But tell of days in goodness spent,
A mind at peace with all below,
A heart whose love is innocent!"

Jasmine couldn't help but to smile and giggle some. Severus had taken the time to find and write a poem for her. And it was beautiful.

She folded the note back and slid of the bed. She pulled on some socks and her boots then walked slowly towards the door. Her legs wobbled and shock with each step she took and if it hadn't bed for a hand holding onto a bed she would have fallen.

Once she got to the doorway she leaned against it and sighed. There was no way that she was going to make the walk to Dumbledore's office without some help. And she didn't want any students to see the "mean ol' Professor Snape" helping someone walk.

She was determined to do this on her own, ship she pushed herself away from the door way and started to walk towards Severus who was standing at the end of the hall. She almost fell a couple of times, but she didn't and she just hoped that Severus wouldn't have to help her stand.

Snape turned around when he heard her approach him. He smiled, thankful that the spell he has put on her clothes worked, (A spell that would make her clothes shrink once she put them on) and that she was holding the poem that he had left for her.

"It was nice of you to copy this for me Severus. Thank you.", Jasmine said and smiled.

"You're welcome. You ready?", he asked.

Jasmine nodded and followed him glad that he wasn't walking his normal pace because she would never keep up with him. When they walked down the stairs Jasmine's hand clamped down on the railing and she took one step at a time to make sure that she wouldn't go tumbling down the steps.

Snape looked back at her and saw that her knuckles were turning white from holding the railing so tight. He also noticed that she was taking the steps one at a time and that she seemed to be really concentrating.

"Do you need help with the stairs?", he asked and got a glare in return.

"I'm fine. I'm just making sure that I won't fall. I don't want to be in the hospital wing any longer.", Jasmine shot back and continued down the stairs after him.

Snape stopped and waited for her to catch up before swiftly picking her up bridal style and basically flying down the rest of the stairs. Jasmine glared up at him.

"Put me down this instant!", she yelled and tried to get free.

"No. You are going to end up hurting yourself if I let you walk to Dumbledore's office. Now stop moving.", Snape growled back at her.

"Well I don't want people to see you carrying me. So put me down.", she sighed.

"There shouldn't be anyone in the halls. They should be in class. Now will you stop trying to rip my fingers off?", he replied.

Jasmine rested her hand on his and let him carry her the rest off the way to Dumbledore's office. She watched as the people moved in the portraits and listened to the soft murmur of their words. She had forgotten just how much she had missed this place. And she was definitely going to have Severus walk around the school with her when she was able to walk on her own.


I am so proud of myself! The chapter is over 1,100 words! I did it y'all! Yay!! I hope that y'all love the chapter. Leave some feed back, let me know how I'm doing, and of you have any ideas on what should go on in the next couple of chapters you should totally put them in the comments or send them in a message and I still incorporate them. Anyways, love y'all and have a nice day.

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