Last Day #16

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Justin's POV

 The show was amazing! All tricks were great!And the best part was, I got to spend my day with her. It's all good so far. Although Avril's friends still tend to get annoying at times. The show wasn't that long either. Just about two hours. We decided that after the show we would go get something to eat, and all of our stomachs agreed, especially mines. 

 We found this restaurant down the street where they sold from wrapped chicken in tortilla and lettuce to Beef salad with other kinds of seasonings. The smell was overwhelming. We all took a table far from the entrance. The three clingy girls were still with us, but I didn't mind at all anymore. Jason was keeping them very busy. I guess my brother was a natural at flirting. The waiter came over and handed out our menu's. All the things on the menu sounded great, and by the look on everyone's face, it seemed they thought so too. I ordered a chicken salad with shredded bacon with ranch and Avril chose the same. Jason and the girls chose some kind of steak with nachos and some spicy sauce. Our order came in first and the smell was amazing.

  "This smells so good, Justin!" Avril shrieks at the sight and smell of our well cooked chicken salad.

 "Yeah it does smell good. How about we give it a try?" She nods in agreement and we both take a bite.

 We both make a small sound of pleasure. It tasted it very delicious, or maybe it was our hunger that made everything taste good. Either way it tasted great. And in no time, Avril and I had already finished our food. Jason and the girls, who's names I still need to figure out, were still eating. They  had a long way to go. 

 "How about we go for a walk while they finish eating?" I suggest.

 "Sounds good to me."

 We both get up and go to the cashier and I pay for our lunch. We slowly make our way out the door. Feeling the breeze from outside. It felt great. The sky was still bright, but you can see the day is almost about to end. Hand in hand, Avril and I walked to a park nearby. This day couldn't get better. We find a bench in front of a lake and we take a seat and stare out at the bright lake and the sun's reflection on it. It felt great to be with her all alone. Having each others company. 

 "You know, this feels nice. To be here with you. I like it. " 

 I smile at her and she smiles back, knowing she also likes this. She lays her head on my sholder still looking out into the lake. This was moment was perfect. This was one of the moments were you would dream about it knowing it wouldn't come true.But the thing is, it does come true. I was living this dream with this amazing person. Someone who I had by my side my entire life. Wish I could freeze time on this moment. 

 I stroke Avril's hair and I could feel her silky smooth hair run between my fingers. Her hair smelled like my shampoo. I look into her face and I noticed she had fallen asleep. She looked like a the small Avril I knew back then when she slept. It brought memories. Great memories. An hour passed and Avril was still asleep. The guys called but I told them they could go without us. I didn't want to let this moment end, and if it did, I at least tried to make it last. Soon it was dark and also cold. I grab my jacket and put it on Avril as a blanket. She slowly wakes up and am guessing she is startled by seeing that it's dark.

 "Justin! Why didn't you wake me up!"

 "You look cute in your sleep." I answer to her honestly.

 "That's not true, and besides, we missed half our day! We didn't get to hang out together." 

 "That's not true, I had a great time being here with you while you slept. I mean it Avi."

  A smile goes up her face. She say's she hates the nick name, but secretly I know she loves it, especially when I say it. I grab her hand and we head for the restaurant to go and get some dessert. Afterwards I call a cab to drive us back home. We arrive at Avril's house, but i don't want  her to go. 

 "Can't you stay at my place tonight?" 

 "I don't think it's a good idea, well I like the idea, but my parents don't." 

 "Please?" I beg her. I just can't seem to get enough of her.

 "How about you stay over?" A smile rises to her face. 

I want to but, its weird when the girls parents are watching your every move. And even though I know her parents and they are like Aunt and Uncle to me, It just still feels weird.

 "Okay, I'll stay. Although I have to go get some clothes from home." 

 "Alright I'll go with you."

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