Tell or Not #7

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   Avril's Point of View

  Today was a great day. I could feel it. I quickly took a shower and curled my hair. I just wanted to look nice while I talked to him. Once I was done I went downstairs to eat my breakfast. Justin was at the counter talking on the phone. 

"Okay, yeah sure thanks.So are you.Bye."  He hung up and washed his plate. 

 "Hey Justin!"

"Hey, you seem happy today."

"I'm happy."

It was now or never.I took a deep breath and calmed my nerves.

"Hey, I have to tell you something."

"Yeah sure."

"Okay. I've been thinking that- "

"Guess what!I forgot to tell you that am officially going out with Veronica!"

"Cool. Wait what!"

"It happened yesterday.She said she liked me and that it be nice to go out. I said yes!"

 " Oh, I see. Good for you I think. Am happy for you.Would you excuse me."

  "Umm okay?"

I ran upstairs and closed the door. I kneeled slowly against the door. It was now officially too late. I again was now crying. This whole week it's been nothing but crying. Everything was a blur but I managed to send a text to Jason. I texted him 'too late'. A few seconds later I got his reply, it said; ' I'll be right over.' I slowly reached my bed and cried myself to sleep.


Someone was shaking me back and forth. The voice was familiar yet I couldn't see who it is. I am probobly dreaming.


  I woke up seeing Jason's eyes in front of me. How long had passed since I fell asleep?

"You okay? Tell me what happened, why couldn't you tell him?"

"His going out with her. It's too late."

"You still should of told him!"

"Why? He's already going out with her, and she has never done anything wrong for me to ruin the relationship."

  Jason said nothing and instead just stayed quite. He got closer and embraced me in a tight hug.

"Why don't you go take a shower while I go buy some food?"

"Sounds good." He gave me a kiss in the forehead and left. 

I finished showering and decided to just ignore what had happened this morning. I went downstairs and saw Jason, he had bought some tacos from this famous shop. I couldn't wait to eat some.

"You like?"

"Accourse! Tacos are my favorite!"

" Am glad you like it."


"No problem and if you want I can go buy some more."

"Yeah haha sure, but i didn't mean thanks for the tacos. I meant it for being here with me. Thanks for being with me through this." 

  I smiled at him and he smiled back and we continued to eat. The tacos were good. Crazy Good! I was full and had now a happy stomach. Jason washed our plates and I went to sit down in the living room. He then came in and sat next to me. We stood quietly for a few minutes until he broke the silence.

" Would you like to watch a movie?"

"Yeah that would be great."

"Scary,suspense or comedy?"

"Surprise me." 

  He smiled and went to the cabinet where all the movies were stored. He picked this black dvd box which I couldn't distinguish what movie it was. He inserted the DVD and sat next to me. He smiled again and looked at the t.v. The movie trailers came out and we watched all of them. At last the movie menu came up. He had chosen Scream 4. That was my ultimate favorite movie. I found that movie suspenseful yet funny.I didn't know how he had known that was my favorite movie.

"I love this movie."

"I know."   I looked at him and he gave me a quick smile and he returned back to facing the t.v. We were quiet the whole entire time except in the end of the movie where him and I laughed on the scene that was going on. He kept making side comments about the scenes like; why didn't she just kill him with a sniper? Or why is she running upstairs,she could always run to the safety of the streets?! He made very funny yet dumb questions. He had cheered me up all day. It was glad to spend some time with someone who knew your situation. I would hang out with my friend Ashley but I didn't want to explain to her how I had fallen in love with my best friend.It was too much to say and right now I just didn't want to talk about it. All I want is to just forget it, if I can. 

"Hey, I have to go do some stuff."

    He distracted me from my own thoughts.


"I'll come back tomorrow. Take care." 

" Okay sure. Thanks for everything."

He left and I watched his car drive off the driveway until couldn't see his car anymore. I felt way happy than I did in the morning. Thanks to Jason I wasn't crying my eyes out. I would probly would have ended crying the whole day if it wasn't for him. It was barely four o'clock so I got my wallet and decided to go get some ice cream.

  It's a small chappie..... Sorry DX

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