First Date #14

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  Avril POV

  This was embarrassing.Especially since both our mom's where there staring at us. I couldn't say a word, but am glad Justin did.

 "Hey Mrs.Robert's, hey mom. How are you guys?"

"Where fine," my mom replied "But am just wondering what where you two doing?"

 "Well, we were kissing. Was it not that obvious?" Justin said with a grin.

 My mom and Justin's mom looked at each other and smiled.

 " I guess we both win the bet! Hahaha!" Justin's mom said

 "Indeed we do!" my mother said.

 And they both left laughing all the way to the kitchen.

 "Bet?" I asked. "Do you have any idea of this 'bet' Justin?"

 "I swear sweety I have nothing to do with it." He smiled and grabbed my hand

 "Come on lets go, we have a date to go to." I kissed him and we where quickly out the door.

We were in the car, none of us spoke.I guess Justin was afraid that if he spoke, he might give out the secret to where we were going for our date. I didn't mind at all. It gave me time to think the possibilities of places that this town had. Which there wasn't much to choose from. 

 Justin made a left turn and we were no longer on a paved road, it was now a dirt path. We were heading for the mountains and the lake. I guess the mall or the movies was no longer in the list of places we might go. After ten minutes we came to a stop. We stopped right next to a lake.

 "Okay, now am going to blind fold you."

"Wait what? Not fair!" I whined

"You'll spoil the surprise."

 I was about to protest against it when he gave me a kiss. That shut me up right away. He blind folded me and took me out of the car. He slowly guided my hand making sure I wouldn't fall or trip. It felt like forever but finally we stopped. 

 "At last you shall see the place." he whispered in my ear and gave me goosebumps, in a very good way. He slowly untied the blind fold and it took my eyes a while to adjust to the light. When my eyes finally came into focus, I could see in front of me a gazebo and inside was a table with three long candles lit up and two plates and cups set up. It was so romantic for him to do this. Never in my life have I ever seen this side of him. It made me nice and warm on the inside to know that he was sharing this side of him with me.

 "Well? How you like it?" He smiled at me waiting for me to reply.

"Errm..It's nice...but I don't like it, you know."

"Oh why? Did I over do it? Or was it too simple?"

 He's face expression made me laugh. 

  Justin's POV 

  I don't know what could of gone wrong? Maybe I didn't make it romantic enough? Or maybe I did it too cheesy with the romantic table set up as a surprise. She wouldn't say anything.Slowly she got close and gave me a kiss.

 "You asked if I liked it, I don't. You should of asked if I loved it, because it do."

 My smile came back.I grabbed her hand and brought her over to her seat. I pulled her chair and she sat. I was being such a gentleman, something that was new to me. I sat afterwards and she just smiled and stared at me. Her eyes hypnotize me. She was just amazingly beautiful.

 "Well are we going to eat or just stare into each others eyes?"

  She smirked and gave me a wink.

I got the basket from underneath the table. I had gotten ourselves two big burgers, the best burgers from this town. It might not be the romantic thing to serve on a date, but I knew Avril well enough to know that she is a sucker for burgers. I saw her eyes bulge out as she saw me taking out the two juicy burgers. I made a small laugh but I guess she noticed.She took her eyes from the burgers and on to me.

 "And what's so funny?"

 "Nothing." But my laugh grew and gave me away.

 She frowned. Which made her look totally cute.

 "It's just that, you are one of a kind. I hope you know that."

  Her cheeks quickly reddened and she looked down.


 "I mean it Avi."

 "I know you do.. And don't call me that!!"

  We both laughed and enjoyed the rest of the evening watching the sunset. We stayed till late night cuddled together for a long time and I would of stayed till morning but Avril convinced me that our moms would get worried and think wrong. With a few more kisses and our date went great.

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