Don't Go #4

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AN:  As always . .  Vote - Fan and ENJOY! ^.^

 The song is meant for this chapter in Justins Point of View.

Your Guradian Angel by Red Jumpsuit Apparatus

Justin's POV

"Avril! Avril! Wake up!" How in the world does anyone sleep in the middle of the pool on a windy day so calmly? She was getting me worried. She wouldn't reply. I only had one choice, jump in the pool and go get her out. As I swam closer to her,she looked bad. Avril was all pale. Her whole body was ghost pale and her lips were blue. I touched her hand and she was extremely cold. I got her out and took her to my room. 

wrapped a blanket around her and turned the heater on. A few more hours outside and she could of died. She could of been dead. The words sounded so unreal in my head. It made me shiver. 

She wouldn't wake up. She was shaking and grabbing the blanket tighter. If I kept her here, she would only get worse. I was only 17, I hadn't passed my drivers test. I only had one choice, call my older brother. I barely talked to him. He's 19 and he's busy with college since he recently started. So I just don't bother him. But today was an exception. I scrolled for his name on my contact list, until I finally found it.Without thinking it twice, I was calling him. One ring,answer please, two rings and . .

 " Hello? Justin?"

"Hi bro can you do me an emergency favor?"

"All of the sudden? Why what happened?!"

"It's Avril, she's unconscious.I need you to drive us both to Avalon Hospital."

"Yeah okay lil bro, am on my way.Stay with her and don't leave her side okay?"

"Am not an idiot Jay!"

"Must we fight now, really?"

"Your right.Call me when your outside."

I hung up and put my attention back on Avril.How can she be so oblivious! She could die. What if she was dead now?  Don't think stupid stuff Justin. She's okay, she will be fine once she gets to the hospital.

  After 12 minutes my brother came. He picked her up and carried her to his car. I took Avril's phone and a clean outfit just in case she stayed the night over on the hospital. Hoped not. My parents will kill me for not watching over her. I'm suppose to be like the big brother and I got to make sure she is always safe.I hate myself for letting this happen.

I turned to Avril. She was lay ed down in the back seat, her head resting on my lap. I looked at her and whispered " Don't worry Avril, once you get out of this mess, I will do whatever you want. I'll do anything, just don't leave me. She looked like sleeping beauty. And then an idea poped to my head. A fairytale idea. Would i be able to wake her up with a kiss?!? It was a crazy idea but I wanted to do it. But I couldn't.

"Okay bro where here, i'll go call someone to bring a gurney."

 In less than two minutes there were three nurses taking Avril away. I watched her,yet not moving.

" So how did this happen?"

"What?" I was still lost in my own thoughts.

"How did she get unconscious?"

"She fell asleep in the middle of the pool."

"How did you not see her! What the hell where you doing Justin!"

"I was sleeping, okay!It was sort of my fault, but she was the one falling asleep!"

 I couldn't take the fact that it was partially my fault. We could've been at home watching a movie. But no, we where at the hospital.

An hour had passed and no one had told us anything about how Avril was. I kept walking and walking. The suspense is killing me. Unlike my brother, he was sitting down reading something on his phone. How can he be so calm.

"Do you not care at all Jason?"

"Do I not care what?" He still kept reading. 

"Don't you care about Avril! You seem so calm."

"And do you think panicking will help her?No, it won't"

  He went back to reading. I sat beside him not knowing what to do. Jason putted his phone away and looked at me. He looked as if he wanted to ask me something but couldn't.

"Just ask Jason." I said impatiently

"You know me well. Do you have any idea if Avril still likes me?" He raised an eyebrow. He smiled and  kept looking at me. When me and Avril where 8 years old, she began to have a crush on Jason. Jason never liked it when he was small.He didn't like girl's liking him, especially Avril. She would always bring him cookies, but he would reject them. She got heart broken little by little. She stopped showing her affection for him, when she was 12 years old. Since then we both haven't known if she still likes him.

" I don't know. Why do you ask?"

"Nothing. Nothing at all, just curious."

  I was about to reply when a doctor walked toward us. Jason and I both got up.

"Are you Avril Roberts family?"

"We both said 'yes'.

"Well I have good news.Shes going to be fine and all she needs now is a good rest."

"May we see her?" Jason asked.

"Yes. You may but only for a while."

 We got to her room and saw she was awake. I ran towards her and hugged her as much as I could.

"Your awake!"

"I am. What happened?"

"You don't remember?"

"Not really."

"You fell asleep in the pool and it was cold. I found you and you were shivering and wouldn't wake up."

"Oh I vaguely remember resting in the pool."

"What time did you fall asleep?"

"Like at five thirty,why?"

"That means you fell asleep for like an hour and twenty minutes.Do you know how scared I was! I thought I was going to loose you forever!"

"I am sorry, I didnt mean to do that.Am sorry." Tears where running down her cheek. I got my hand and softly dried them off.I moved her hair out of her face and rested it behind her ears.I held her in my arms a few seconds more.I started to feel this feeling for her, I can't describe it. Then I talked because the silence was getting awkward.

"Luckily me and Jason brought you here quick."

"Jason is here!" I could hear excitement in her voice. I guess that answered Jason's question. I kind of regret mentioning him because me and Avril were so close right now alone. And then me and my big mouth ruined the moment.

"Yeah his outside.I'll go call him." He was sitting down on the chairs outside the room.He looked tense. He looked bothered, or at least looked like something was bothering him. His whole face expression was serious.He was planning something. I just don't know what it was.

"Hey Jason, Avril wants to see you."

"She does!?" He sounded doubtful yet I could see hope in his eyes.

"Yeah she does."

       He got up and instantly his facial expression changed from serious, to calm and confident. I was so jealous that Avril was more excited to see my brother rather than me. Well who cares. I get to talk to her everyday and get to joke around with her all the time. That put a smile on my face. Happily I entered the room. Right away I saw Jason and Avril. My smile faded. I couldn't believe this. No, this isn't happening. Not to me.

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