Chapter 26

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Beyoncé Pov

"What's gonna happen between us once I leave?" I asked Jay as we sat in his tub, taking a bath together.

"I don't know, what do you want?" He asked me.

"I want you but you are a playboy and I don't know if I can handle everything that's comes with you." I said truthfully.

"What if I changed... for you." He said.

"How would I know if you won't go back to your old ways?" I asked

"From now on you my one and only."

"While all these other bitches in this house you only going to fuck me. I'll believe it when I see it."

"They'll be gone in a month, I can hold off until then. After that it's us against the world."

"Like I said I'll believe it when I see it."

"Do you trust me?"

"Yeah, I do."

"Then trust me on this." He said.

Jay Pov

"I don't know what to do." I confessed to Kanye, Emory, Meek, and Ty.

"What do you mean?" They asked.

"I'm in love with this girl." I said.

"If you in love with her drop all them other stupid bitches in the house." Kanye said, he didn't really like any of the girls I brought into my house except for Beyoncé. She grew on him like she did me.

"I agree with Ye. Beyoncé like my new best friend she treats me better than y'all bitch asses." Ty said.

"You only saying that cause your fucking Sanaa." Emory said.

"No I'm not, well I am, kinda."

"Beyoncé is the type of girl that will hold you down, support you, and do her own thing. She's the total package." Kanye said.

"I understand that but this is my foundation. All I know is how to be a playboy, I don't know how to be in a committed relationship." I said.

"She'll understand, she's willing to make it work." Meek said.

"What if I cheat?"

"If you cheat then you don't love her like you say you do." Emory said.

"I told her during this last month I'm loyal to her and only her."

"Are you?" Meek asked.

"Yeah. I love her so much I'm wiling to do anything for her, it's like she has me wrapped around her finger."

"She does if you wanna be technical." Ty said as they laughed.

"Enough of this sappy shit let's hit the strip club my niggas." Kanye said.

"I don't know about that." Meek said.

"Same." I said. "I can be real tempted at times."

"Shut the fuck up pussy niggas, get y'all shit. We going to the strip club." Emory said.

Beyoncé Pov

It was 9am and I was currently knocking on Jay's room door. I haven't seen him since about 3pm yesterday.

"Who are you?" I asked the girl that opened his door.

"Chyna." She smiled.

"Is Jay in there?" I asked.

"I just put him to sleep." She smirked.

This bitch.

"Tell him Beyoncé wants to speak to him." I said before going back to my room.

Three hours has passed and Jay still hasn't came to speak to me. I was hurt, upset, I shouldn't be, I should've seen this coming. He's not even mine so I why should I care about what he does and who he fuck. I think I'm more mad at the fact he told me to trust him and my dumb ass trusted him.

I'm so fucking stupid.

"Beyoncé." Jay said coming into my room.


"It's not what you think." He said, that's what they all say, lying ass.

"Then what the fuck was it?" I semi yelled.

He said nothing.

"Go ahead and lie, tell me you ain't fuck her." I said.

"I- I... I fucked her." He said.

"Who is she?"

"Some stripper."

"You must really can't help yourself. You have all of us here and you still sleep with someone else! How the fuck am I supposed to trust you after you fuck someone outside the house!" I yelled at him.

"I'm sorry." He said.

"Fuck your sorry. I can't believe I actually believed you. I can't believe I thought for a second you loved me."

"I do love you Beyoncé."

"You don't." I cried. "You don't love me, you don't care about me, you only care about your damn self."

"That's not true."

"I got a call last week from medical school. They said if I come back now I'll be able to graduate with my class. If I don't come back I'll be kicked out of medical school and have to get reaccepted... I turned it down because of love. Love makes you do crazy things, I guess that's why you fucked her. After I leave here next month I won't be able to follow my dreams and become a surgeon all because of love. Fuck love." I said.

"Beyoncé I'm sorry. I'm willing to do anything to make it up to you."

"Please go, don't acknowledge me until it's time for me to go. I love you so much but I want nothing to do with you."

"I understand and I love you too." He said then left my room.

1 more chapter ☺️. Then a sequel 🙌🏾

Is Beyoncé overreacting?


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