Chapter 19

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Beyoncé Pov

"Jay are you up." I asked as I knocked on Jay's door. It was almost 5 o'clock in the morning and I wanted to talk to him before I left.

"Come in." He said.

I walked into his room and he was playing 2k18.

Typical nigga.

"You good?" He asked.

"Yeah, I just wish you were coming." I said.

He paused the game, looked at me and said "I don't want to be away from you either but you girls need to get along and I need a break from everyone."

"It's only three months left though." I said.

"A lot can happen in three months." He said.

"You need a break from me?" I asked.

"No, you're exactly what I need. You make me feel at ease and I feel relaxed and like I can be myself when you're around." He said which made me blush.

"Then why can't I stay or why can't you come?" I asked.

"If you stay I'll be showing favoritism and it wouldn't be fair to the other girls. If I go it'll be just like staying here, just in another scenery." He said.

"Fuck them other bitches." I said making him laugh.

"You can't be like that Beyoncé." He said pulling me into his lap.

"I'm going to miss you." I told him truthfully.

He kissed me and said "I'm going to miss you too."

"Jay wake your ass up!" A girl yelled bursting into Jay's room.

"Regina you don't know how to knock?" He said as I got off him.

"It looks as if you're already up, I'll leave you two alone." Regina said leaving back out.

"I'm going to go take my things downstairs." I said then headed back to my room.

As I was taking my thinks downstairs the other girls were too.

"Hey boo." Nicki said giving me a hug.

"Hi Nicki." I smiled, hugging her back.

I looked over at Regina and she was raising an eyebrow at me.

"Nicki I thought you didn't like Jay's whores." Regina said, receiving a look from all of us.

She must not know bout me.

"I don't, I like Beyoncé though, and Karin and Cardi. If you stop being rude and get to know some of them you'll see they're not so bad." Nicki said.

"Doubt it." Regina said.

Damn nobody likes Beyoncé when they first see her, I'm that bitch.

"Regina don't be a bitch towards my girls. I asked you to help me out because you were a good person and you can have fun." Jay said coming out of no where.

"Cut the girl some slack." The other girl who I'm guessing is Gabrielle said.

"Beyoncé I apologize, it's early and I ain't get no dick this morning so I'm all over the place. The quicker we get to Jamaica the quicker I can get some Jamaican dick." She smiled.

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