Chapter 23

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"I have no control over you girls." Jay said as he laid in bed with Beyoncé laying in his chest.

"They think you're a joke." Beyoncé said.

"Do you think I'm a joke?" He said sitting up quickly.

"I did at first but now your my big ole baby." Beyoncé laughed.

"Nah I don't wanna hear that, you thought I was a joke." He laughed with her.

"I'm sorry, do you accept my apology?" Beyoncé said poking out her bottom lip.

"Who can say no that face?" Jay said attacking her with kisses.

"You're a sweetheart." Beyoncé said once he stopped.

"On some real shit thought, how do I get them to take me serious? You're a woman you have to know something." Jay said.

"Um... I don't know, maybe you could get all of us together and we can squash the beef, you know." Beyoncé said.

"Won't that cause more problems though, like fights."

"Us women like to know why a bitch don't like us. If we know why maybe we can solve the issue through words instead of fighting."

"So if this goes all the way left this is your fault." Jay said.

"But you asked for advice, it's not my fault you're a bitch." Beyoncé said.

"I'm far from a bitch, you don't be saying that when I'm deep in them guts. Fuck Jay, right there." Jay laughed while mocking Beyoncé.

"You took it to far." Beyoncé straight face him.

"Who's the bitch now?"

"So I'm a bitch."

"No, I didn't mean it like that."

"Fuck you." Beyoncé said. She got up and grabbed her things then left out his room slamming the door.

"Bipolar ass."

"Beyoncé what's the purpose of this?" Joseline asked.

"Why would I know, I got a text just like everyone else." Beyoncé said referring to the text Jay sent everyone telling them to meet for dinner. Beyoncé hasn't spoken to Jay since she stormed out. She was still upset, she didn't know why, she knew she overrated a little bit.

"I mean you always on his dick so I thought you would know." Joseline said.

"At least he loves when I'm on it."

"Ladies, chill. We're family let's get along." Terrance said as Nicki, Regina, Gabrielle, Meek, Tyran, Dwayne, Emory, and Jay walked in.

"You must not know how things work around here and we're not family." Karin said to him.

"I don't, enlighten me."

"Some of us get along, some of us don't. It's like the bad girls club living with these girls." Karin said.

"Why are we gathered here today master." Cardi asked.

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