Chapter 28- "He remembered?"

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We go back to the others hand in hand. I put my head in Justin's shoulder as we approche them. Justin starts to slow down. I look up to see his free hand on his head as he starts looking pale.

"Justin? Are you okay? Is there something wrong?" I ask him. He then faints and falls down. "Justin!" I scream. Pattie and the others then hurry towards us.

"What happened?" Pattie screams. Tears start to well in my eyes.

"I-I don't know," I say. "Call the ambulance!" We call the ambulance and I go with him and Pattie while everyone else pack and follow us. We arrive to the hospital and the doctor comes to see him.

"What did exactly happen?" The doctor asks.

"He was shouting at me and I hit him hard that he remembered who I was," I say. Pattie's eyes widen.

"What? He remembers?" Pattie exclaims. I nod.

"Give him some time, he fainted because his head hurt him after he remembered," the doctor gets out of the room.

"He really remember?" Pattie asks.

"Yeah, I should have hit him that hard before, and we're back together,"

"Best. Day. Ever, finally,"

"Pattie it's not that big deal," I feel someone squeezing my hand. I turn around to see Justin slightly opening his eyes. "Justin?"

"K-Kelsey?" He weekly says.

"Shh, don't talk," I shake my head as I kneel beside his bed.

"I'm gonna leave you alone now, bye," Pattie exits the room.

"She really needs to stop playing matchmaker," I say and we both laugh.

"I missed you," he says.

"Me too," I smile.

"The things you do to me," he shakes his head disappointingly then winks at me to indicate that that was a joke. I laugh.

"As much as I don't want to interrupt you but Justin can go back home," Miley opens the door and Justin glares at her.

"Yeah,Yeah, please get out," He says not looking at her as he gets up. I get up myself and help him stand up. Kenny then comes and carries him. "I have two perfect feet and I can walk, you know," we all laugh.

"Babe, wake up, you have an interview today, it's in an hour," I hear someone whispering in my ear then kisses just under it.

"Leave me alone," I turn around. Justin disappears for moments then I feel water being poured on me. "The hell?" I immediately sit up.

"You didn't listen to me," Justin shrugs.

"Welcome here with us, Kelsey Brown," The interviewer says.

"Hey, it's my pleasure, thank you for inviting me," I say.

"So, what exactly happened with Justin?"

"Uh...," I look at Justin to see if I can say. He nods. "We argued a night before, the day the accident happened, I was going back home with Kenny and Justin followed me, I don't know what exactly happened, but I think as he told me, a truck came from nowhere and he crashed, he hit his head hard, and as the doctor said, he forgot the person that was the reason that led the accident to happen, and that's me," I fight back the tears.

"Such a sad story, does he remember you now?"

"Yeah, actually it's funny story,"

"Would you do the pleasure and explain further more?"

"Yesterday we were in a camping trip, as you know, Miley was 'his girlfriend', I pranked her and when we were sitting around the campfire, she told him, he started shouting and I hit him really hard, which caused him to remember me," the audience laugh. "I mean, if I knew that that would help, I would have did it months ago,"

"Yeah, but everything happens for a reason, ok let's start with a game, I will give you three names, you will tell me who you will go on date with, marry and ditch, Ready?"


"Ok, first three, Justin Bieber, Harry styles and ZAYN,"

"So... Marry Justin, ditch ZAYN, and go on date with Harry,"

"Your girl loves you Justin, keep her. Ok the last, we know you love one direction, so, Liam Payne, Niall Horan, and Louis Tomlinson,"

"Uh.. that's a hard decision... marry Niall, ditch Louis and go on date with Liam,"

"You have a competition with Niall, Bieber," I laugh.

"Ok, what was the most cute thing Justin had ever done to you?"

"Ohh, when I was turning 13, we weren't talking to each other, so to make up, he told his mom that he wants a skateboard, which was true, but then he thought that he can buy me a bracelet, he gave it to me on my birthday and said: every time we fight, I will give you a purple flower charm to put it. It was really cute, I still wear it till today," I show them the bracelet.

"You fight a lot, there are 6 charms,"

"Yeah, that's what makes us, well... us,"

"Awe, cute, thanks for being here Kelsey today, we had fun,"

"I had fun too,"

Fell for my best friend(a Justin Bieber story)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ