Chapter15- Sometimes, Justin can be annoying

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No one's POV
Kenny drives down the street towards the tour bus. They arrive and Justin doesn't wait a second after the car comes to a stop. He opens the door and pulls himself out hardly due to his drunken state. He enters the bus and immediately starts singing.

"You smile I smile, you cry I cry," he laughs. "Wait that's not the right line," he says. "Let's try another, Kelsey shouts I shut her up," he sings. Kelsey hears Justin and gets out of the bed. She looks for him and finds him lying on the floor on his stomach, supporting himself with his elbows. She helps him up and takes him to his room.

"Justin, stop moving," Kelsey says annoyed.

"No, me no want sleep," Justin whines childly.

"I didn't know drunk Justin can't talk properly," Kelsey mumbles under her breath. She finally manages to make him fall asleep. She closes the door to his room and makes her way to hers.
Kelsey's POV
Right now, I couldn't think of anything but how annoying Justin can really be, on the other hand, when I found him laying on the floor singing, it was hard not laugh but I managed to control it.

I go back to the bed and let sleep take over me.

Justin's POV
I wake up and go to Kelsey's room to wake her up to have breakfast. We are now in Las Vegas. I enter her room and immediately my eyes catch a book I have never seen. I hold it and read the words dancing on the cover. "Dear diary" was written in a big beautiful artistic way. I open the last page, which happened to be yesterday. My eyes widen when I read the last paragraph.

"Justin can sometimes be really annoying, let alone a drunk Justin at night when you're sleeping" the first line said. I can see what's coming I think. "I was sleeping when I heard someone singing.' You smile I smile, you cry I cry'. I went to the front door of the bus to see Justin laying on the floor singing. I managed to contain my laugh." I read. Good job Justin. Clap. You made your self a fool in front of her. I continue reading. "The best part is that he didn't even know how to talk; when I came to help him up he said:'no, me no want sleep' wow, I have never seen him like this before. It was weird." Really good job Justin, such a fool. I kneel beside her bed and shake her.

"Bee? Wake up, it's breakfast time," I say. I watch as her eyes immediately open due to me saying food. "Damn. You are always hungry," I mumble under my breath.

"Morning, where's my food?" She says as she gets out of bed. I stand up.

"Change your clothes, we are going to Starbucks, by the way, we are in Vegas," I say.

"Be there in a minute," she answers as she closes the door behind me. Minutes later, she comes to the front door and my jaw drops to the floor, she looks stunning with a top crop with Believe written on it in purple, jeans, purple all star and her hair in a messy bun. We get out with a hoodie to hide us and make our way to Starbucks. We order chocolate chip pancakes and two hot chocolate. We eat and get back to the venue.

Kelsey's POV

Now I am currently sitting next to Pattie watching Justin's performance, it's time to start. All around the world starts.

The night passes by and Justin keeps taking glances at me as if he is singing for me.

Justin's POV

My second performance starts and I keep taking glances at Kelsey, meaning every word I'm singing to her. I admit it, yup, you guessed right, I am falling for her since that kiss in our birthday party. The show finishes and I meet Kelsey who is waiting for me backstage with a bottle of water.

"Grate show, Jay. Here's your bottle," she hands me the bottle. After I drink it all she hugs me. "Ew, you stink, you just need a long relaxing shower after a long day,"

"Thanks, that is exactly what I need," I say agreeing with her idea.

"Of you don't mind, I took a few pictures of you,"

"Why would I, pictures last longer," I wink as I pass her to see the guys. "You coming?"

"But I don't know them," she says shyly. 

"Don't worry, will introduce you and you will be their friend too, they will accept you, don't worry," I reach for her hand and drag her with me. "Hey guys, this is Kelsey,"

"Hey," she says shyly.

"Hey Kelsey, good meeting you finally, Justin talks a lot about you, I'm Chaz," I hit the back of Chaz's head. "Aw, what was that for, dude?" I glare at him.

"I'm Alfredo, but they call me Fredo,"

"I'm Ryan,"

"Nice meeting you guys," Kelsey says.

"Welcome to our group, I can tell you have a good swag," Fredo says.

"Believe me, she does," I say as I look at her, nothing but adoration filling my eyes.

"Thanks," she blushes.

"Awe," the guys say.

"Shut up," she mumbles. I chuckle. She's such an adorable, amazing, beautiful, awesome, hyper and sometimes crazy person, that's why I fell in love with her. She's perfect.

Fell for my best friend(a Justin Bieber story)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat