Chapter16- Nice talent though

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After Justin's second performance, I go back to my bed and sit. I take my diary and start writing.

Dear diary,
Today was a really long day. Justin's show was in Las Vegas. Justin woke me up early so we can have a real breakfast. Then, I watched as he rehearsed while making his schedule. I chose for him his clothes for the show, watched his performance and here I am writing for you my diary. But there's something stealing my mind, all through the show, Justin kept looking at me a lot during his show. Also, I was sitting in the middle of the front line, in front of him, he sat on the stage, his legs falling from the edge as he sat in front of me, as he sang 'Believe'. Like he was singing for me. Apart from the things stealing my mind, my day was normal.

I finish writing and put my diary aside. I take a book and start reading.

Justin's POV

I go back to the bus and start making my way to Kelsey's room. She just left after my show without telling me. I enter her room to see a peaceful Kelsey sleeping with a book in her hand. I go take the book from her hand, put a book mark and put it aside. I cover her and kiss her forehead before going out and closing the door behind me.
Today I don't have any show, it's my free day. I wake up and go to the living room. I sit down before something catches my attention. I get up and make my way over to it. I lift the book and open it, a lot of beautiful drawings of girls coming to view before one catches my attention.

Wait! Isn't that me? And the girl looks like Kelsey! Who drew that

Oops! Questa immagine non segue le nostre linee guida sui contenuti. Per continuare la pubblicazione, provare a rimuoverlo o caricare un altro.

Wait! Isn't that me? And the girl looks like Kelsey! Who drew that.

"Morni- what are you doing with my book?" A voice spats behind me. I turn around to see an angry Kelsey with her hands on her hips. I smile at her, trying to ease the situation.

"I saw it and curious me wanted to know what is inside," I say batting my eyelashes in innocence.

"Give it to me!" She tries to get it from me. I hold it up my head so she can't reach it.

"Not that fast,"

"What do you want?" She spats.

"Explain," I simply say as I show her the drawing. Her cheeks immediately heat up.

"Not your business,"

"Oh really? When it's me in the drawing, I think it's my business," she gives in and starts explaining.

"I was reading a story about friends and imagined you and me so that picture immediately came to my mind, nothing more," she simply says. I act as I believe her, but deep inside, I know she is starting to like me.

"Ok," I give the book to her. "Good talent though," I wink at her before walking away as her glares burning holes in my back.

Kelsey's POV

As Justin walks away I feel my phone vibrate. I take it out and Marcus pops on the screen.

"Hey," I say.

"Hey Kels, whatcha doing?" He says.

"Nothing, just woke up,"

"Get ready I am taking you to out to eat breakfast,"

"Is it a date?"

"If you want it to be then yes,"

"Ok, when will you come?"


"Ok, bye,"

"Bye," I hang up and run to my room. I put on a simple purple t-shirt, shorts,purple supras, and some accessories.

Just as I'm putting the hat on, there's a knock on the door

Oops! Questa immagine non segue le nostre linee guida sui contenuti. Per continuare la pubblicazione, provare a rimuoverlo o caricare un altro.

Just as I'm putting the hat on, there's a knock on the door.

"Come in," I say.

Justin's POV
I knock on Kelsey's door and hear a 'come in'. I open the door and see Kelsey wearing all purple.

"Trying to impress me?" I smirk.

"Nope, why would I?" She asks and my smirk fades.

"Where are you going then?"

"A date,"

"What? With who?"

"Marcus. Any problem?" My heart drops at his name. That bastard can't take her from me.

"No, have fun," I slam the door shut. I take out my phone and call Miley.

"Hello?" She answers.

"Hey miles, how are you doing?"

"Good, you?"

"Listen, I need your help," I say.

"What's wrong?"

"Come to my tour bus in 15 minutes,"

"Ok, bye," she hangs up.

Fell for my best friend(a Justin Bieber story)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora