Chapter 5- let's get crazy

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When I finish singing, I hear someone clapping behind me. I turn around to see Justin clapping, I blush and look away. Imagine Justin Bieber is clapping for you after you finish singing.

"That. Was. AWESOME," he says. I blush more.

"It was for my Mom's birthday, and correction, that was bad as hell," I say.

"Duh, you were amazing,"

"Oh shush, you're a pop star, you can't say that to anyone,"

"I can, and I wasn't lying about you being amazing,"

**** The next day ***
"Bee," someone whispers."Bee, wake up," I open my eyes. I scream.

"Justin, what are you doing here?" I shout.

"Your mom wanted me to take you to the hair salon to do your hair, today is our birthday party,"

"Get out so I can get ready,"

"I'll wait in the kitchen, I brought some pancakes from my mom,"

"Thanks," he gets out and I go shower, I put on a crop top with 'Love me' written on it. I put on my dress, my3 bracelets from Justin and go downstairs. I eat my breakfast and we go. Justin suggests that I dye my hair blond and keep the curls. I find his idea good and do it. After I finish, we go to do my nails.

"I like your nails," Justin says

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"I like your nails," Justin says.

"Thanks," I say. We go back home, he drops me at mine and he goes to his. The party starts at 5 so I have 1 hour to get ready. I put on my dress and do my makeup, I keep it natural. By the time I finish, it's 4:45. I go downstairs and find Justin, mom and Leo waiting in the living room. I notice Justin's jaw drop when I walk in.

"You dyed your hair blond!" Leo exclaims.

"Is it bad," I say but it comes out as a whisper.

"No, it's awesome,"

Justin's POV
When Kelsey walks in, my jaw drops. She. Looks. Awesome. Like, really, really awesome. I hear as Leo compliments her hair. When they finish we get up and go to the car. We arrive I take her hand in mine and we walk in together.

"You look beautiful," I whisper to Kelsey. I watch as she blushes.

"You don't look bad yourself," she says shyly. We go around the guests to say hi, actually to introduce Kelsey to my friends, and of course they are celebrities. We reach to Miley Cyrus.

"Miles, how are you?" I say.

"Hi, happy birthday, who's the pretty girl with you." She asks.

"This is Kelsey, my best friend from Canada,"

"So you are his obsession and the cute girl in all his pictures,nice meeting you finally, you are really pretty," Miley says.

"Thanks, Miley, I'm a great fan of yours, it's my pleasure to meet you," Kelsey says.

"Bee, you have something on your cheek," I say.

"Where?" She asks.

"Here," I say as I kiss her cheek, she blushes really hard now.

"You sure you are just friends?" Miley says.

"Yes, we aren't what you're thinking now, yet," I say the yet part as a whisper.

"Ok guys, excuse me, it's my turn to sing," Miley goes on stage and starts singing.

"You ready?
Woo! Here we go

Life is just a party so come as you are
Dress it up or dress it down never forget your guitar, yeah
Just be courageous
This style's contagious
Everyone can rock out like a superstar

Let's get crazy!
Get up and dance
Take a swing, do your thing
It's worth taking a chance
Let's get crazy!
Yeah, just kick up your heels
On the south, time to shout
Always keeping it real
Let's get crazy! (crazy!) (crazy)

Our songs, our style, our hair, our smile
Our laughs, our hearts, our grace, our smarts

You see me on the cover of a magazine (remember)
Things are always different then the way that they seem, ha
It's an invitation, to every nation
Meet me on the dance floor and we'll make the scene

Let's get crazy!
Get up and dance
Take a swing, do your thing
It's worth taking a chance
Let's get crazy!
Yeah, just kick up your heels
On the south, time to shout
Always keeping it real
Let's get crazy! (crazy!) (crazy) (crazy)

La, la, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la
Oh, oh, oh

Our songs, our style, our hair, our smile
Our laughs, our hearts, our grace, our smarts

Let's get crazy!
Get up and dance
Take a swing, do your thing
It's worth taking a chance
Let's get crazy! (crazy)
Turn the music up loud
Now's the time, to unwind
Get yourself in the crowd
Let's get crazy! (crazy)

Feel the fun, just begun
Come on dance everyone
(Let's get crazy!)
It's an invitation
To every nation

Oh, oh, yeah
Oh, oh, yeah

(Let's get crazy!) Crazy!
(Get up and dance)
Take a swing, do your thing
It's worth taking a chance
Let's get crazy!
Yeah, just kick up your heels
Don't miss out, time to shout
Always keeping it real
Let's get crazy!" Miley finishes just as it's time to cut the cake. They bring the cake out and I take Kelsey and go stand for our picture. Just as we're about to cut it someone pushes Kelsey, I land on the cake and Kelsey lands on me, our lips meet there, I am sure that I felt a little spark as always.

Kelsey's POV
When we are about to cut the cake, someone pushes me and I land on Justin who landed on the cake, suddenly our lips touch. I can't help the butterflies that erupts in my stomach and the electricity through my body. I stand up as fast as I can. Everyone cheer as they start a cake fight. Kenny and scooter help Justin stand up. We end our party with the cake fight and go home. That was a fun party.

Fell for my best friend(a Justin Bieber story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora