Chapter12- Believe Tour

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Finally, today's the first day of summer, Justin is gonna start his Believe Tour tomorrow, and guess what? He asked me to help him so I am gonna take a gap year. I am gonna do his time schedule. Now I am waiting for Kayla, Leah and Marcus to arrive, they want to help me with packing.

"Kelsey!" Justin shouts.

"Yeah!" I reply.

"Your friends are here," he says.

"Coming," I go to the front door. "Thx, Justin,"

"No problem," he says.

"What are you doing now Justin?" They ask at the same time.

"Nothing. Why?"

"Come have fun with us," Leah says.

"Where?" Justin asks.

"In Kelsey's room," Kayla says.

"We're helping her pack," Marcus says.

"Um, okay," Justin looks at me, I nod. We go to my room and start packing.

"So Justin, how do you know her?" Leah asks.

"Guys, I already told you," I say.

"You could be lying," Kayla says.

"We are best friends since birth. We were always together. She helped me do the videos that got me here today. I can't forget the day I left, it was her birthday and I turned it from the best day of the year to the worst. But now, I am taking her to my tour. If I leave, she won't have anyone beside you guys, so I am not leaving her, she's everything to me, if I leave, I am sure we will have another fight," Justin says and turn to face me as he realizes the tears in my eyes. He comes next to me and hugs me.

"Guys, you sure you're just best friends? No more?" Leah asks.

"Yeah," we say together and laugh.

The rest of the day goes on and we just laugh, talk and introduce the Justin behind the lights to my friends.

"I am happy to get to know you guys," Justin says.

"We are happy too, just make sure to take care of Kelsey," Marcus says.

"Bee? She is gonna make sure I am alright, I am sure," Justin chuckles. "You guys can visit, you know right? Just tell me and I will give you the plane tickets,"

"Thanks, bye kels," they say.

"Bye," I hug them. "I am gonna miss you,"

"We're gonna miss you too," they leave and I close the door.

"Thanks, bee, I had fun today," Justin says as he leads me upstairs.

"Thank them not me, they told you to stay with us," I chuckle. He leads me to my room and opens the door.

"Now you have to sleep, we're gonna wake up early tomorrow,"

"Ok, goodnight," I hug him.

"Goodnight," he closes the door.

"Wake up, bee. We're running late," I open my eyes to see Justin sitting on my room's floor. He looks as if he didn't sleep. "Finally, the beauty is awake, get ready we're leaving in 20," I get out of bed and to my bathroom. I take a quick shower and put on a crop top and jeans. I let my hair fall in natural curls and take my purse and go downstairs. Justin's put my luggage down so when I get to the front door I assume that he has already put them on the tour bus.

"Bee! Hurry up!" Justin shouts from the bus. I get inside the bus and we start our adventure. First stop, Glendale. Glendale, here we come.
"Bee wake up, we are here," I open my eyes. I close them again.

"What? 5 more minutes," I say.

"Fredo, wake her up, I don't have all day, I have to rehearse," I hear Justin's voice. I then hear a door shut.

"Justin's friend, wake up," I hear another voice. I open my eyes.

"What?" I say.

"They are waiting for us in the venue," he says. "I'm Alfredo, but they call me Fredo, you are?"

"Shit, I have to schedule the rehearsal times for Justin." I hurry up and out the bus. I run fast but soon is stoped by the fans and paparazzi.

"And that's why you can't get out without a hoodie," the guy named Alfredo says and helps me make my way to Justin who hugs me to keep me away from the cameras. We enter the venue and Justin starts rehearsing.


"As long as you love me,"

Fell for my best friend(a Justin Bieber story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora