Chapter Twenty Five

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"I'm going to have to ask you again, what were you doing talking a girl into skipping school with you?" I huff in annoyance, if this guy is really that bad at his job, then he needs a new job. If we've told you the same damn story 27 times, while attached to a lie detector, don't you think we're telling the truth?

"Why won't you believe us? Besides she willingly cam along with me!" I roll my eyes, I love when people speak for me.
"Not at first, but it's not like he was kidnapping me."

I thought this would be a more serious, deep shit kind of interrogation: but Jackson doesn't seem to care at all. He's not being fearless, it's that he actually doesn't care.

Before I knew it an argument is breaking down, one where surprisingly the high school boy is keeping his cool, whilst the professional trained 43 year old FBI agent is losing his temper completely. Honestly, quite the entertaining sight.
At least, until more FBI agents came in and started yelling at Jackson as if everything's his fault.

After a bit of this, one more man came in. A tall man with chiseled features and age to his face. He takes full authority as soon as his presence enters the room. He calms down the man and everyone else in the room before his deep voice fills the room.

"I think these kids have been through enough today, let me take it from here agent." With startled and flushed expressions, each man left the room in a hurry, closing the door behind them. I gulp when the man's intimidating eyes rest upon me, like two burning knives digging through my mind for any secrets I might be withholding.

"Mr. Miller." The man says, his voice somehow going even lower than before. I honestly can't tell if he's trying to be intimidating or not, but he's definitely doing his job right. He probably didn't even need to go to college for this, his looks alone landed him the job.
"Mr. Cartwright." Wait, what?
"Didn't expect you to be caught by the FBI, Jackson, what are you doing here?"

Someone please, PLEASE, tell me what's going on!

"I didn't expect to end up here myself, any idea why I'm sitting in this chair right now?" The man—Mr. Cartwright looks at me through a side glare. Yes you heard right, not a side glance, a side glare.
"Her parents." Jackson turns to look at me, just as quickly I put my head down to stare at my hands, for some reason feeling guilty over my parents recent actions.

How was I supposed to know they took my phone to the FBI?
How was I supposed to know they would take any action at all?
Ever seen an absent minded professor? That's my parents.
So when did they get smart and grow a pair to get involved with my life?

"Can I ask why her parents suddenly decided to turn to the Fat Bastard Institution for help?" I choke for a moment on the laughter that threatens to climb its way up my throat.
"Her parents stormed into our office not to long ago with her phone, demanding us to hack the passcode and look through her text messages to see if she said anything about her 'kidnapping'." Mr. Cartwright pauses and raises an eyebrow at Jackson, "care to tell me what they meant by 'kidnapping'?" Jackson let's out an awkward laugh.
"Well uh, Amelia here? She's uh, my mate?"

Wait, why is he saying this to the FBI man?
I thought werewolves were an unknown secret to the entire human ra—Ohh...he's a werewolf isn't he?

"Excuse me," I clear my throat, interrupting the already existing awkwardness with my own extreme awkwardness. "But, who exactly are you?" I question the big man. His expression softens slightly, but his face is still freakishly intimidating.
"Sorry, I'm one of the head scouts with a neighboring pack, also close friends with the Alpha and his family here." Couldn't they have just started out with that? Did I really need to be completely clueless for this long?
"How convenient that you work for the FBI." I roll my eyes. Sometimes I can't control the sarcasm, I'm honestly trying to be sincere right now. Alas, I am entirely one with the sarcasm.
"It's a damn good thing I came in to work today or you two would be in deep shit," he points especially to Jackson, "listen kid, I'm glad you found your mate, but you don't kidnap her, especially when she's human!" Jackson merely nods at his words, looking a bit embarrassed and slightly ashamed.


"I'm bailing you two out, try your best to figure out what the hell you're doing or I won't be surprised if you end up back in this interrogation room, in the exact chairs you're sitting in." We exit the room once the conversation is over, both Jackson and I pretending to look scared to convince the human agents that Mr. Cartwright had scared some sense into us.  We make our way through the winding maze of a building till we reach the exit.

How freaking cool is it that we were in an FBI building?
I know it's terrifying based on our situation..
But all the same, you only see real FBI in movies and TV shows.
It's almost like meeting another mythical creature.

"I'm notifying you're family of your whereabouts, Mr. Miller, take better precautions next time." Jackson sincerely looks kind of scared now. With those last words, we find Jackson's Jeep, (surrounded by FBI agents) and eventually, drive off.


Jackson and I cruise down the way we came from originally; after a couple of miles of being followed of course. I know it's their job to be paranoid, but those guys really need to chill the hell out.
We're driving quietly with low volume indie music playing in the background, a calming mood that feels genuinely amazing after that whole...experience.

"So.." I begin, "Family friend?" I'm curious as to what that means. He's just a scout for a neighboring pack, so how does he know Jackson's family?
"Rylan Cartwright, former Beta for my father back when they were in their twenties, but he found his mate and chased after her." I nod along without realizing.
"But don't the women usually join the males pack?" I've read books, I want to know more and get my facts straight. Especially if I might be willing to see what this whole mate thing is about..
"That's an old way of doing things, nowadays, it's a choice." That makes me slightly happy.

Hell to the yeah.

"How far away is the neighboring—" Jackson's Jeep comes to a screeching halt in the middle of the freeway. As soon as I make sure I didn't slam my head too hard on the dashboard, I look up to see what the problem is, seeing as there's almost no cars on the highway right now.

"Who the hell is that?" I'm not freaking out completely, seeing as I've seen a werewolf before. (Obviously) but this werewolf is definitely bigger than Paul's. It's fur is much darker as well.
The wolf growls at us, loud enough for the car to feel like it's vibrating.

"That would be my dad." Jackson answers, looking straight into the eyes of his current Alpha.

Probably doing that weird telepathic mind speaking thing.

The wolf turns and heads into the nearby forest, glancing over his shoulder once in a while as he does so. Jackson presses the gas pedal again and finds the nearest exit in which to enter the forest. Looks like Mr. Cartwright wasn't bluffing about telling Jackson's family, I have a feeling we're both about to have yet another interrogation.
I have another feeling that it will be less pleasant than the one we just had.

Hey, it still counts. It may be late, but it's still Tuesday. I updated, as promised.
Hope you enjoy.

Song above is anemone by slenderbodies

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