Chapter Seventeen

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The wolf in front of me slowly approached me, its eyes giving an amused glow as it tentatively paws forward. I close my eyes, scrunching up my face as the creature approaches, only opening them when I hear a series of loud cracking noises. The noises themselves honestly make me want to vomit, it sounds like bones are breaking.
I snap my eyes open to look upon a very, very naked Paul.

"What the hell!?" I screech as I throw my hands up to my face in order to cover my eyes from the horrors of the body of man.

I really don't need to see this.
Especially not from the man I hates older brother.
Excuse me while I puke.

"You can open your eyes now." Paul chuckles at my reaction. I wait another second before uncovering my eyes and looking upon him once again, only to screech in horror once more.
"You tricked me, you asshole!" I scream as I dramatically writhe around on the forest floor.
"You should have seen your face!" Paul sounds like he's dying of laughter, I hope karma bites him in the werewolf behind for this.
"I need to burn my eyes out now, look have you done!" Without looking, I grab stray leaves and dirt from the ground and toss them onto my face in an attempt to bury myself.

Great idea.
Totally no living things sitting in the dirt.
Why would anything live there?
...Note the sarcasm.

Another screech pierces the air as I feel multiple things crawling across my face. I scramble to my feet, my hands furiously wiping anything dead or alive off of my face.  Paul's laughter simply got louder at the sight of me fumbling with small creatures in the middle of a forest.

"Do you have anything to cover yourself with, so that I can open my eyes?" I snap at Paul, my mood already dark from it just being morning, but also with this added inappropriate situation and humiliation.
"Yes, I have shorts on this time," Paul's laughter slowly dies down, hopefully from sensing my current mood.
"Are you sure?" I make my serious tone clear, making him know I will kick his ass if he tries to pull that little stunt on me once again. I'm forever scarred for life because of him.
"Yes I'm sure, I promise!" I hesitantly uncover my eyes, fortunately met with a half clothed Paul. It may only be gym shorts, but they're better than nothing.

Quite literally.

"So um, what happened to Jackson?" My curiosity is killing me at this point, seeing as he literally abandoned me in the middle of the forest where their are other viscous werewolves.
"I'll tell you later, for now I'll just help you get home." I'm too tired to push the topic at the moment, so I simply follow his lead through the forest until we reached the exact place that I had enter with Jackson last night.

He should officially be called, 'he who must not be named'.
Too bad he isn't as ugly as Voldemort.

"Can you get home from here?" Paul asks, pausing by the tree line.
"Yeah, thanks for helping me," I give him a small smile, waving slightly as I saunter my way home.

Although, sometimes I wish I was lost in a forest. Lost forever. Then there wouldn't be life to worry about.
Not properly anyways.



I halt across the street from my home, the dead pit of dread settling itself into my stomach as I stare at my parents car, which is now neatly parked in our driveway. Never mind me wondering where they've been, they've no doubt seen my school bag in my room. They probably know I'm not in school.

Fighting the WolvesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin