Chapter Two

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Hours of anxiety worked through me as I made my way through the day towards lunch, which gave me a horrible uneasy feeling that placed itself right in my gut. I know that the lunchroom will be crazy, with Jackson being back and all. I still haven't seen him, which seemed to my advantage since I despised him for turning the whole school against me freshman year, I've managed to blend in as a wallflower since then, keeping under peoples radar. But people always noticed when I made the major screw ups. They never let anything I did go.

The fact that he had left after freshman year gave me such a sense of relief, although I am a bit curious to see what he looks like after all these years.

"Hey nerd, you heading to the cafe?" I hear Lexi's voice pull me out from my thoughts as she rests an arm on my shoulder as we make our way down the hallway.
"It's gonna be crazy in there, can't we just eat outside?" I sigh as I unconsciously fiddle with the bracelets on my left wrist.
"Alright, but I need to buy lunch first, I forgot the one my mom made me at home. And you need to wait with me in line." She grabs my arm and drags me towards the cafeteria doors.

I was in right in the fact that the lunchroom would be crazy, but I think I used the wrong word...the word I should have used was insane.

The whole room was filled with students sitting at their group tables gossiping about Jackson Miller, and whatever he had done throughout the day. And there was the devil himself, sitting at the table directly in the middle of the room, the center of attention.

"He's such a cliché." Lexi snorted beside me, but I almost couldn't hear her, I was lost.

My eyes wandered at the new boy I saw across the room from me, with dusty brown hair, and bright blue eyes. I don't know how I saw that they were such a bright blue from this distance, especially considering how blind I am without my glasses, and especially since I haven't seen him in years and have erased his memory from my mind. But I still managed to find their icey cold glares that he is currently giving to students sitting around him.

Something in me pulled me towards him, something that made me feel sick to my stomach.

I hate that bastard, why do I care what color his stupid eyes are?
I hate him.
I hate him.

I wrench my arm out of Lexi's grip, trying to escape the cafeteria that suddenly seems claustrophobic to me. Suddenly his eyes meet mine, even through the blurriness, I feel something. Something I hate myself for.

I fall backwards, landing flat on my already bruised butt. I wince, attempting to ignore the pain as I struggle to stand up. The sound of a chair screeching against the linoleum floors caused the room to quiet to whispers, everyone with their eyes on Jackson as his footsteps drew nearer to me.

"Amy, what's wro-" Lexi calls out as I finally make it to my feet, heading straight down the hall as fast as I possibly can go. This is different from any running I've ever done, (which isn't a lot) I'm legitimately terrified right now.

I hear a low growl come from behind me, I run faster, my knees and calves on fire, my lungs feeling as if they will collapse, and my blurry vision not helping me wit the direction I want to go in, which is away from Jackson. I have no idea what just happened, but I don't like whatever it was.

My blurry vision decides to screw me over at the last possible second as I manage to run straight into a door. Head first into a door. Lovely.

This'll slow down my escape.
Was my vision this dark before?
Wow, there's a lot of colorful spots.
They're getting darker?
Was I this tired a minute ago?

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