Chapter Fourteen

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I arrive home ten minutes later than my normal school days. A.k.a. I'm dead.
As soon as I shut the front door and lock it, I hear the thumps of my parents angry feet stomping towards me from down the hall.

"Amelia Jamie Walker, where have you been young lady!?" I hear my father yell as I proceed to nearly crap my pants.
"Sorry, someone was talking to me after school and I couldn't—"
"And whom, may I ask, were you talking to?" My dad interrupts me whilst crossing his arms over his chest and giving me the 'dad brow'. You know, the eyebrow raise that only a dad can do when he's angry about something.
"Just my partner for this project, he had a question." I shrug it off and try my best to look casual as I step past my dad to enter the kitchen. My afternoon snack calls to me from deep within the pantry.
"He better only be a partner for a project... " my dad mumbles as he walks past me to enter our small living room on the other side of the kitchen.

Don't come back in the kitchen.
I share my snacks with no one.

I look to make sure my dad isn't looking before darting to my bedroom for some solitude. Knowing him, he'll hopefully leave me alone for now. At least until mom gets home, which shouldn't be for a while.

Although I always happen to speak too soon.

"James? Is she home?" I hear the front door close loudly, causing me to drop my snack on the floor. I, of course, drop down instantaneously to grab the crackers that landed on the carpet, hoping that the 5 second rule will always apply here.

"Amelia?" I hear my mom open the door as I grab the last cracker off the floor and place it back in my plastic bowl. I look up with a blank expression as she waltz into my room and plops herself down on my bed. I pick up my snack bowl and place it on the nightstand next to my bed before sitting beside her on my bed.

"Honey," My mom pauses, giving me one of those overly dramatic looks that people give each other in movies and TV shows.
"I've decided that I'm going to work from home for a while, to keep an eye on you, okay?" She suddenly jumps up from my bed, clapping her hands together.
"I don't think-" I try to get a word in.
"Dinner will be ready in a few hours, get your homework done!" And just like that, my mother has jumped in, caused even more problems, and decided that what I need in my life is less privacy. 

Yay me.
Always a fun time when both of my parents are home for long periods of time.
Someone get me some popcorn, this should be entertaining.

I hear a loud buzzing noise come from my phone in my school bag. I walk over to retrieve it, noticing it's just Lexi. 

Lex Luthor: I just got a weird text asking for your number..

I furrow my eyebrows in both confusion, and worry.

Me: What does it say exactly?
Lex Luthor: "Can I have Amelia's number? I need to talk to her."
Me: ew, it's probably Jackson, don't reply.
Lex Luthor: How did he get MY number in the first place?
Me: ...creep.
Lex Luthor: If he can find MY number so easily, then why can't he find yours?
Me: Maybe because I don't socialize with anyone else at school.
Lex Luthor: But wouldn't the school have your number?
Me: Why would he have any power over the school?
Lex Luthor: Maybe they're werewolves too, you never know..
Me: It wouldn't matter anyways, they have my parents numbers but I refused to give them my own. 
Lex Luthor: So not a single person, except me, has your phone number? I feel so trusted.
Me: Just block him and don't reply.
Lex Luthor: I'm kinda tempted to give him your number, despite the fact that I hate him as well.
Me: Don't. You. Dare.

Just as Lexi is about to text me again, I feel my phone get wrenched out of my hands. I whip around to face my mother, who fortunately can't get into my phone since it already locked.

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