Chapter Nine

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It took me an hour before I stumbled my way up the stairs and onto the small porch of my house. I dust myself off before ringing the doorbell, seeing as I didn't exactly have time to grab my keys before I was kidnapped. 

I hear soft thumping leading up to the door. I know at least one of my parents are home, since it's still afternoon, so I know I'll have some explaining to do as soon as they open the door. But I'm not sure if I should tell the truth, or think of something else as a clever lie.

The door before me opens, revealing my disheveled dad in his robe and slippers. The look on his face goes quickly from tired, to shock at my appearance. I let a small smile climb it's way onto my weary face as my dads arms wrap around me in a tight hug.

"Where the hell have you been?!" My dad croaks into my ear. With all the stress he's had lately, I'm not surprised that he cracked while I was gone; I can feel his tears on my shirt. 
"Long story." I mumble, letting my dad lead me inside and sitting me at the kitchen counter with a cup of tea. I gratefully take a sip of the warm green tea, my favorite.
"You're mom's at work, do you want to tell the story now, or wait till she gets home?" I feel slightly disappointed that my mom didn't stay home to look for me. I was missing about two days after all. But then again, we do need the money, so I'll just forget about it.
"I'll wait till she get's home," I grab my mug full of tea and stand up, "I think I'll try to take a nap."
My dad nods as I walk to my room, sighing as he sits at the counter, content with his own cup of tea, and his daughter home safe and sound.

As if I'll sleep after drinking green tea.
I need to think.

I enter my room, looking around the untidy desk, and the clothes that had been thrown on the floor when I was kidnapped the other day. I lay on my bed, placing my mug on the nightstand besides me, and looking at the blank, white ceiling.

What exactly will I tell my parents?
They won't believe the truth.
I can just say someone kidnapped me, but I got away.
I can also say I don't remember the face when they ask, I didn't have my glasses so that should be believable. 
Or should I say I ran away?
Either way it'll break their hearts...
I'll have to wing it when the time comes.

Despite the green tea, my eyelids feel droopy, and before I know it I'm drifting off into a dreamless sleep.


"She's home!?" A loud voice startles me awake, causing me to bolt upright into a sitting position. 
"I knew you wouldn't have your phone on you-"
"How can you assume that when our daughter has been missing for TWO DAYS!?" The voices get closer, signifying that my parents are making their way to my bedroom as they argue. I glance at the clock on my nightstand.

7 p.m.
I must have been tired...
I slept for almost six hours.
Guess I won't be sleeping tonight.

The door to my bedroom bursts open, causing me to jump put of my thoughts. My mother walks straight into the room and tackles me on the bed with a hug. I grunt at the force of her body slamming against me.

"Where have you been, Amy?" My mom lets go of me, but grabs my hands as a solace to no longer having me in her embrace.
"I, um..." I'm not sure how to start, "I was kidnapped." As soon as the words are out, both of my parents jaws go slack. I didn't mean to blurt it out, but I can't deal with the anxiety bubbling in my stomach right now.

"By who?!"
"How did you get kidnapped?!" My parents begin to ask me questions at an alarmingly fast rate, causing me to shrink up in the corner of my bed. My eyes begin to sting,  and it becomes hard to breathe. My mom notices the beginning of my anxiety attack, grabbing my dads arm to get him to shut up. 

"Jacob, get her phone." My dad rushes to my desk, pulling up my lockscreen. They had learned a couple years ago after my first anxiety attack, that calming visuals can help. They usually didn't work, but they didn't know that. 

I grab my phone out of my dads hands, since my earbuds are still attached to the earbud jack, I unlock the screen with shaky fingers, and press play on my 'Indie Chillout' playlist. It's the most calming thing to listen to in my opinion, so I plays the earbuds in my ears, and take deep breathes. After around a song and a half, I calm down a bit; enough for me to no longer be hyperventilating. 

"Kate, go get her something to eat, I'll sit with her." My dad places a hand calmly on my moms shoulder, whispering the instructions to her. She nods her head before exiting, leaving me with my dad, and my music.

"You don't need to talk about it now," My dad wraps an arm around my still shaking shoulders. I snap my eyes to meet his, attempting to focus on them through my blurry vision. Seeing as I still don't have glasses, there will be no solace for my vision any time soon.
"But your mom and I would like to find out as soon as possible, seeing as this is a serious matter." His voice is calm, but the calmness scares me slightly, even though I know he's being sincere.

"T-thanks." I stutter quietly, feeling relieved as my mom walks into the room with a bowl of soup; And from the smell, I can tell it's my favorite.

"Hey sweetie, I made you some broccoli cheddar soup," My mom says gently, handing me the bowl, and placing a box of oyster crackers on my nightstand. I nod my thanks with a small smile, and shakily sip my soup, blowing on the spoon before the hot liquid enters my mouth.  Both of my parents exit my room, closing the door behind them knowing I need some space for a bit.

The music in my ears suddenly pauses and plays my text tone loudly. I glance down at my phone which already had multiple missed calls and texts from Liz, but there is a brand new message from an unknown number.

Unknown number: I'll see you tomorrow, don't trip up the stairs on your way into school ;)

I frown at the number, feeling a sense that it's probably Jackson. How he got my number, I probably will never know.

Guess who's not going to school tomorrow.
Although Liz is going to hunt my ass down.
She can live one more day without me, besides I need to catch up on homework.
I refuse to see that idiot of a werewolf at school tomorrow.

I turn off all notifications on my phone before pressing play once again on my music. I dump a ton of oyster crackers into my soup bowl, and snuggle into my blankets with my pillows against the backboard, relaxing into the warmth.

I need to make up my story.
It can wait till tomorrow.


Hey guys! Sorry this chapter isn't quite as long as the others, but I didn't feel like there was anything else to add for this chapter. 

Anyways, please vote, and comment!

Song above is Car Radio by twenty one pilots. 
They're literally one of my favorite bands ever, I love them so much. 
Especially when they went on stage at the grammy's in their underwear. They are so freakin adorkable I love it. And Jenna's in the background applauding her husband in his boxers like, 'YASSS! GO TYLER!'

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