Chapter Fifteen

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The beginning of the day went by in a bit of a blur. I kept thinking about last night.
Especially because of the fact that my parents still haven't returned, and it's scaring me.
I had to walk to school since my alarm didn't go off, and since my parents aren't here, I didn't have any backup to make it to school on time.

But by the time I realize that I should have been paying attention to my classes, it's already lunch.

I still haven't run into Jackson, but for some reason I keep looking around for him. It's like I have no control over my actions today, I'm some little lovesick puppy that can't fight the feeling I get when I'm around him. Despite the hatred, of course.

I go and sit in the middle of the room, seeing as my usual table is occupied. I hate when the 'popular' kids think they can just sit wherever the hell they want. I place my lunch bag on the table and sit down before opening it to reveal its empty contents. I sigh, realizing I forgot to pack a lunch and my parents weren't home to help; on top of all of that, I don't have money. Typical. Although, it's not the first time I've gone without lunch.

"Ello mate." I look up at the sound of a horrid Australian accent, to see my poor excuse of a mate trying to be punny.
"That was the worst thing I've ever heard, I'm personally offended." My voice is thick with sarcasm as I look away from Jackson, back down at my empty lunch bag that continues to simply sit on the table.
"Why are you offended?" He asks as he sits down across from me.
"One, I have relatives who are Australian; Two, the fact that that was the worst pun I have ever heard."
"Whoops, sorry." Jackson replies in a sort of mocking tone. I immediately squint my eyes to attempt to shoot lasers.

It didn't work.

"Anyways, have you thought about it?" Jackson gives me a questioning look, tilting his head to the side like an adorable puppy.

You're doing it again.
Stop doing it, this will only end horribly.

"Thought about what?" I reply mindlessly.
"About giving me your phone number, obviously." I roll my eyes before making up my mind to simp,y grab my lunch bag and leave the cafeteria. I could find anything else to do that would be better than being degraded by some guy who ruined my live years ago.

"DON'T SAY MY NAME!" I turn around to face Jackson in the middle of the abandoned hallway outside the cafeteria. "Don't ever, ever think you can say my name when you know this stupid mate thing does something, just like it does something when I say your name!" I take a deep breathe, trying my best to not let any tears leak from my eyes as I bring up my suppressed feelings that I've bottled up for years, "And don't ever think you have the right to talk about us when you know damn well you're the damn idiot who ruined my life all those years ago!"

With those last words, I turned angrily, and stormed off down the hallway, knowing fully well that Jackson wouldn't dare try to come after me. This isn't some fairytale storybook where the guy always chases after the girl, especially when that guy is named Jackson.
Although, some part of me still caused me to look behind me as I ran down the hall, to find that I was right.
And somehow, that was the worst thing he has ever done to me.


"I didn't give him your number," I hear a voice from behind me, whom could only be my one and only friend in existence.
"Thanks Lexi." I mutter as she sits next to me against the tree.

The tree.
My tree.

"Although you should tell him what has happened to you since he left, you are mates after all." I sigh as I lean my head on my best friends shoulder. The fact that people are even trying to make whatever me and Jackson are supposed to be, work.

It's not going to work out.
Stop trying.

"So, where did your parents go last night?" Lexi asks, trying to change the subject. I furrow my eyebrows as my thoughts wander back to my parents. They've never left home without saying anything, I can't imagine what is going on. I had informed Lexi when I arrived at school this morning of my parents strange departure. For all I know, they could still be gone right now, and might not be back even after I get home.

"Honestly? I'm not sure," I speak truthfully, "but they've never been gone this long, especially without telling me where they were going." Part of me wants to pull my phone out of my bag and text my mom or dad, but the other part keeps reminding me that they took my cell phone before they left.

"You're parents disappeared?" I half expect the voice to belong to Jackson, but am instead met with his brother; Paul. I lift my head off of Lexi's shoulder, looking at him confused. "You sure they didn't want some alone time away from you?" He says with a smirk, lifting one eyebrow in a suggestive manner.
The thought of my parents doing anything beyond kissing makes me want to vomit. I don't care if it's normal, seeing as that's how they had me in the first place, it's just wrong in the mind of someone's child.

"Who invited you to my lunchtime therapy session?" I roll my eyes in an over exaggerated way, then point to Lexi sitting next to me.
"I thought I'd drop by and see how my brothers been doing with his new mate," Paul winks, pulling out a pack of gum and taking a piece, then proceeding to offer some to Lexi and myself.
"First, it's disgusting that you mentioned my parents like that, never speak again," I chew the gum in an attempt to relieve my life stress, "Second, they wouldn't have left me alone, especially after your dumbass brother kidnapped me the other day." I crumple up the foil gum wrapper and flick it at Paul in an attempt at annoying him.

"My brothers never really been good with girls, although you're one of the first girls he's ever taken interest in."
"He's only taking interest in me because I'm his stupid mate, otherwise he'd probably continue to make my life hell." I pick up my bag, checking the time on my iPod before beginning to head towards the school.
"I suppose you would know, but at the same time, I wonder what would happen if you gave him even the smallest chance?" I turn to give my snarky reply to Paul, but he's somehow disappeared from the premises.

Stupid werewolves.
Stupid super speed.

I turn back towards the school and begin to enter the building.

"Amy," I hear Lexi call out from behind me, I turn to face her as she approaches with her unlocked phone screen to show me an u fortunate message.

Jackson: (show this to Amelia) Meet me where I found you last night at 7...please.

"You're gonna meet him, right?" Lexi asks as we walk side by side to our classes.
"No cell phone, meeting a douche bag of a guy by the woods in the middle of the night?" I chuckle at the thought, "what could ever go wrong in a situation such as that?"

CrookedLady there's your bloody chapter, you better fricken enjoy it.

Song above is nine in the afternoon by Panic! At the Disco.

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